Wiluna to Mt Robinson WA

Was quite surprised that we had a quiet night in Wiluna, so we were up early to tackle the road through to Meekatharra. We had been told it was a 100klm of bad gravel, and advised not to take it. But rather than backtrack and add an extra 200 kms, we decided to chance it. Not a problem ! It was part gravel, part bitumen, and took us a little over an hour till we reached Meekatharra. Had a cooked breakfast in a nice park there.  From there it was up the Great Northern Hwy to Newman, an active mining town.   Still very hot and dry and temperatures of 38 plus each day.  We are now wanting to get to Karijini for a few days, before Chris starts work in Port Hedland next week. Longest day so far and almost nightfall, by the time we pulled up at a camp at Mt Robinson. Next day I took a couple of photos of our surrounds  and then we were off again.


Norseman , Kalgoorlie and Menzies WA

The last couple of days have been rather ordinary after the fun of crossing the Nulabor.
Norseman is a good place to stay for a day and do shopping, washing and have a general clean up. After Norseman we started heading north again to a RV stop at Kalgoorlie.
Had the car serviced at Kalgoorlie, it took all day, So was able to make some phone calls and do very little for the day. By 3pm we were able to pick the car up and move on, as we could only stay there 24hrs. The council police the site and note your number plates each afternoon. However the two Rangers were nice blokes, with the right attitude towards the caravaners. We went as far as Menzies, an old mining town, and camped in the bush, amongst lots of dig outs. Not a soul around.

The Bight SA to WA

The weather down here is sure being kind to us. No wind for the 2nd day / night.  This morning we just had to find our way down over the cliff face to the sandhills and beach beyond. Wasn’t that hard really,and so enjoyable to be roaming through nature’s gardenamazing how these plants thrive in such conditions.we spent a couple of hours walking the beach. I would have loved to have gone for a swim, but the SA waters are well known for their big white sea monsters, so i was content just to go in knee deep. I love climbing over sandhills, makes me feel like a kid again! All to soon it was time to go back up the cliff face, to our van in the distance, (right hand one in next pic) have some breakfast before moving on. The rest of the day was uneventful, only stopping for fuel and a bit of a chat to some other travellers, when we pulled up at Madura Pass. we travelled another hour or so and are now overnight at the blowhole camp area, just off the highway. It’s been a fun day


Penong SA and Nulabor Plains ,WA Border

Couldn’t have ordered better weather to be crossing the NullarborHadn’t been on the road long, when we were overtaken by an old Mercedes towing a trailer laden with bikes and ,yes, containers of cooking oil.!! No wind, today ,just brilliant sunshine and 30 deg. Moving along we came across a woman running, not a familiar sight out here, guess who ? Yes our family from Ceduna, kids and about a dozen other walkers carrying signs to save the Bight. oh well each to their own. Further on at the head of the Bight they had a camp set up with the trusty old faded Mercedes parked beside it. Next we turned into into the Marine park at the head of the Bight. We strolled around the walkways, and I took lots of photos. What a magnificent day to view this special place. on and off the main road most of the day. The treeless plain and the Nullarbor is a drive, I never tire of. Almost to the West Australian Border, it’s time to find a camping area for the night, so off the road again and into the scrub towards the edge of the Bight. Found a great spot to pull up, overlooking the beach. The seas are calm at the moment so a very mild evening for here. Who wouldn’t want to save this area from the mining companies?!

Streaky Bay to Rushys Balcony near Penong SA.

Over 30 deg by mid morning.  We called into Smoky Bay. This was a sleepy fishing village, some years ago, is now a hive of activity with more buildings since here last. Then it was on to Ceduna, for a few supplies and lunch. Here in the  parking bay I saw the most incredible thing so far !! A faded old Mercedes with a couple who had very untidy  dreadlocks, clothes and kids. Ok so Nimbin is full of them.  They were topping up their fuel tank, so Chris made some throw away comment about not getting far without it. Don’t judge a book by its cover….. they were filling it with used cooking oil, that shops are happy for them to take away for free. How clever is that ?! Quite an interesting conversation then took place. We filled up at $1.40 a litre and headed west. Went into Denial Bay for a look, lots of oyster farms here, and not as much change as  other coastal towns. Next point of interest was at Penong . A windmill  museum ,opened 2 yrs ago. All types of working windmills on display,  including the largest in Australia. Well worth a look. Then time to find a camp spot for the night.  Pulled off the road into the scrub and set up in an area called Rushys Balcony. Have the place to ourselves,  well almost.! Flies millions of them. But hey this is the outback.  A good idea to stay in the van and cook a few meals ahead. Another good day and sunset.

Walkers Rocks to Streaky Bay SA.

Just loved our stay at Walkers Rocks.  Overnight temperature of 15, and going to be around 30 today. Early morning beach walk. We climbed sandhills and I had fun with the camera.would love to stay here and just walk and fish, and fish and walk. Oh well must move on….we were hoping to get to Ceduna today, but we drove into Streaky Bay . We were parked in town having lunch and a chap from Lismore saw our van with the jodies-inspiration on the back, so he stopped to say hello. A couple of hours later we decided it was too late to go any further.  So we ended up staying and having happy hour, at the same spot they were. No photos of this place, its provided by council. No facilities provided, not even a garbage .! But better than paying $35 for a night in an overpacked caravan park. My thoughts .!

Iron Knob to Walkers Rocks SA

A bit of a slow start this morning as we had look around the town of Iron Knob, the mines must be working again as there is more life in the place than when we were here last. Then on to Kimba, they say it’s the centre of Australia.  Great to see that there is painted silos there now. Another one for my collection.  From Kimba it was westward to Kyancutta. where we took the newly formed and bitumen road south to  Ellison on the coast. South Australia is doing so many improvements to catch the tourists eye and dollar. Many places we went to 10yrs ago were barely accessible, with free camps and no facilities. We’ve seen a big change this trip. Next a look around doing the coastal drive, many viewpoints, also sculptures around the headland. Then it was time to find a camp spot for the night.  Still on the Flinders Hwy and not much further is Walkers Rocks. We’ve stayed here before and this little hideaway is magic. Miles of clean white sandhills and beach, it’s very protected, so no wind and no flies After setting up, we went for a walk along the beach. I ended up burning our dinner, as I was too busy taking photos of the sunset. Even the smell of burning frittata, couldn’t spoil this place. A game of scrabble after dinner, Chris won.!

Lake Bonney Sth Aust.

After having an extra half hour added to our day, due to another time zone, we found a peaceful spot to camp on the edge of Lake Bonney. An early night, no wind, only the sound of the water lapping. Ahhh…

Up by 6am ,  for some photos of the sunrise. Then on the road again, more stops for photos and a detour to see the Overland Corner Pub. It’s for sale if anyone is interested! Through Morgan. Next stop was Burra, one of our favorite inland towns Lots of old buildings, and remains from the mining days. Up through Spaulding, Crystal Brook, bye passed Port Pirie and on to Port Augusta. Thought we may have got as far a Kimba tonight, but ended up pulling into a parking area in Iron Knob about 4.30.