Hello 2019

Hello there,

Do hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a good start to the new year. Chris and I enjoyed bringing in 2019 in Perth. We had a week in the Advent Park, about 15 minutes from perth so were able to visit relatives, catch up with friends and do a bit of sightseeing, including a lovely day in Fremantle. It’s busy, but a beautiful place to spend some time, especially on a summer’s day. The harbour was alive with boats.


We also had some meals out and probably a few too many ice creams.!

            And have I mentioned shopping !?  DFO was a good place for Chris to sit on a seat and rest, while I checked the place out . Great way to end the day.                                                                                         The next day we went for a drive out to Mundaring Weir.Rather hot on that day, but still walked around and  climbed a number of stairs, so got my exercise for the day.

Happy to have good tv reception in the park and the Hopman cup tennis was on in Perth, the ladies camped next to us were catching a bus in each day. As we became more friendly with them and discussing the play of the day, naturally the conversation turned to how much I like watching Roger Federer play. Not only was I able to watch him win the Cup, live on tv, but the mother *89* and daughter from next to us, brought me home souvenir flags from the event. How thoughtful was that ?, we meet so many lovely people as we travel around.

We ended up staying an extra night at Advent park before leaving to go on our way down to Gracetown. to have a week with Bec, Steve and the 2 grandchildren, Rosie and Creed.


New years eve Perth WA

And just like that it was the last day of 2018. We have had a good year, travelling from East to West.  Thanks to our wonderful neighbors we have been able to travel and work, away since February. They are taking care of the mowing and keeping an eye on the place. We are so privileged to also be healthy enough to enjoy most of the walks and sites on our travels.                                                          So off into Perth for the fireworks over the Swan River. We parked the car about 3.30, and walked, and walked, through parks, along the river walkways and across the Matagarup bridge. Taking in the sites of the Optus stadium and new very upmarket hotel next door.

The walking bridge across the river from Gloucester park raceway is also having a stairway constructed for future bridge climbs. Looks awesome now, will be a site to see when completed. The Crown Hotel is also on the foreshore. I have always loved Perth by night, and walking around seeing all these buildings lit up was great. It was a warm evening and just right for the fireworks, no wind and only the chill off the water around midnight, was enough for us to put our jackets on. Then the fireworks!

Set off from the 2 barges out on the water, sure was spectacular


enough to make us forget our aching legs and the fact that we had been wandering around for over 8 hrs.

Well worth the effort, we both thoroughly enjoyed  the evening.


  So here’s to a happy, healthy 2019 from us, to all those who follow our travels.   Thank you for taking an interest in what we do and hopefully we will meet up somewhere during 2019.


Holiday time

A few more days work for Chris. Most of the crops are in, so we hooked up the van and headed out of town.

Nice to be on the road again, stopping at Meckering, a town that had been destroyed by an earthquake in 1968.

It’s now a nice tidy town with a free camp in the centre, there is a beautiful memorial rose garden, which attracts the birds and tourists. 

Next day we stopped off for a wander around York, as it was new years eve, we couldn’t spend as much time as we would have liked there, so intend to call back in on our way back up to Kalannie in a few weeks.

On the road again, and not far out of Perth we check into a park owned by the seventh day adventist church at Maida Vale, we needed somewhere secure to leave the van while we have a week in perth. Off to the fireworks on the Swan River to celebrate the start of 2019. Hopefully it will be a good one, and lots more adventures.

Christmas 2018 Kalannie WA

Christmas day was a warm one, and no rain in site. I decided to make our day a special one, even though we are over here without family.  Luckily I have an electric fan forced oven, that cooked a roast pork and veggies just right. Crackling was our entree, and it wouldn’t be christmas without trifle. No pudding this year, i’m so overweight as it is. I’m sure 2/3 of the trifle hasn’t helped.! Lunch done, our afternoon was taken up with phone calls with family over East, and an afternoon nap. Thank goodness for air conditioning as it was still very warm as the sun went down. In all a nice relaxing day. 


Kalannie WA

Here we are not long to Christmas and still the harvesting hasn’t finish. Only one day off for Chris in the last couple of weeks, that we could go for a drive. Grain storages are starting to fill up now. Also came across these vintage bikes somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. 

We went for a drive out to Xantippie to see an old ute, lit up for Christmas. Well done to one of Chris’s work mates, who ownes the farm. I also have put some lights in the trees beside our van and some decorations in the van. Just love Christmas, no matter where we are.              The old saying of it’s not what you know, it’s who you know, came to the fore, the last week before Christmas. Chris was carting out of the farm, that his boss’s daughter and husband’s family own, so he organized for me to go out to the farm and go for a ride in the header. What an experience, and I now know a bit about grain farming. A win win ! This family are just so friendly and good to us. Here are some photos of my time on the farm. The young cattle dog was determined not to give up his seat in the tractor to me, so was eventually was escorted back to the ute, so I was able to get in and be taken out to the paddock that was being harvested. Uncle Robin, was the header driver and showed me all the workings, so high tec these days. The drivers just set all the computers in the cab, then it’s all remote control. Drivers can then just sit back and watch the screens.  The bin chasers follow the harvesters around, and without stopping the grain is transferred to the bin, and taken back to other storage bins. Then the truck drivers, like Chris, fill their trailers from them, and take it into the co operative, storage areas in town. This day was certainly one of my highlights this year.Here is a couple of photos of the old tractors still being used.

This harvest season, has been one of the best ever, so the farmers are saying,       in both price and quantity. Storage facilities are almost full to capacity.

Kalannie WA and surrounds

Busy, busy, busy, is the best way to describe being in the wheat belt during harvest. The day for Chris starts around 5am and quite often he does not get home till 10.30 pm for dinner, lunch is eaten on the go.! And he has resorted to eating his ice blocks in bed, now that’s  tired I reckon!! We are both getting tired now, and really looking forward to the end of our stint here. The experience has been good, and thankfully the family Chris works for are great. They treat their drivers like family and Mary likes to dish up a cooked meal for them at the end of day. I have been made feel very welcome and Mary and I have had girl time out for lunches and shopping . Animals are also family, 3 dogs, 2 cats, an avery full of birds, goldfish and a lamb that thinks it’s a dog !

Last weekend we had their Christmas party, Mary and I did all the cooking for it, so much food, and of cause drinks. A big night in this little town, with most of the local farmers there. It was a lovely night and Steve [boss], had lights all around the yard and depot. I really enjoyed being part of it and was able to give Mary time with their guests, while I did most of the serving of food.

And boy did they eat, amazing how much they consumed.! With only a week out from Christmas, I’ve done the big shop, pork, ham and  made a couple of boiled fruit cakes and rocky road, towards our, very quite Christmas. We will miss our kids and family this year, but still I think we are both looking forward to a day of rest. We have been invited to have it with Mary ,Steve and family, but we feel they need family time, after such a big harvest this year, so thinking, just having a quiet one on our own, is the way to go. Sure will be different. Even the church up the road, doesn’t get used.At the back of the park we have a flock of black cockatoos, hard to get photos of, as they are so black, and their eyes don’t show up. Love seeing them in flight, as you can see the red feathers underneath, that don’t show when they are settled in the trees. 


         There are lots of other birds around enjoying the grain crops as well.That’s it for now.

Day trips from Kalannie WA

Getting a bit sick of listening to the ABC all day it’s time for me to find a shopping centre. Would you believe the nearest Woolworths is nearly 200 kms away. oh well nothing better to do . The roads are narrow strips of bitumen, flat and straight, mostly speed rated at 110. I thought it was great that I sat on about 120 or so most of the way. Chris on the other hand wasn’t impressed, saying to remember it is a diesel motor and not to flog it like that, OK ! Quite like the town of Northam, has Aldi, Spotlight, Coles/ Kmart, and Woolworths, where I like to shop. That done and it’s time to head back.                                                                       On the way home I stopped in Dowerin to take a photo of Rusty the tin dog, made by school children, has an interesting story, if like to look it up.   We had a couple of very hot days,and by thursday afternoon as the sun went down the thunder and lightning started. I was out trying to get some photos, when I noticed the red glow, thought it was still the sun setting at first, then it become more evident that a fire had started.  

In the end it spread over 300 hectares and farmers losing $ 3.6 million in crops. Thankfully no homes were lost. Over 15 fires started that night from lightning, and no rain to put them out.! A couple of long days for Chris, with farmers in a rush to get their grain off the paddocks.                                                                                 Then it was Friday pizza night at the Kennel and drinks with a few of the other drivers in town. A few laughs and a lot of truck talk, I am the only woman there, as the drivers are mainly from out of town.                                                                Our drive on Sunday went north out around Xantippe  There is a water hole in the granite rocks built in 1904, for the men constructing the rabbit proof fence back then. Over 2 metres deep, as Chris checked with a piece of wire he found.    From there to more granite rocks protruding above ground, hence the name of Petrudor Rocks.

Boys and their toys,… lucky i didn’t have to use this. And no I didn’t  check it out either.On the way home we called into Dalwallinu for a cuppa, then took the back road home, going around paddocks and along bush tracks, yes more flowers, seems I can’t get enough of natures garden. Here is some photos I took with my phone, as some stupid woman left the camera in the van. Hope you like flowers as much as I do. The bush is in full bloom at the moment. This Post will catch me up to date with what I have taken so far. Now been away for 9 months. 

Lastly a twin wheel, windmill just out of Kalannie. not sure what the idea is for this, other than two heads are better than one. !!


Living in a small town

What am I going to do with myself here. I start the day by making Chris’s lunch and taking him the kilometer to work. that fills in about half an hour. lucky it was the 1st tuesday in november and I had been invited to a cup luncheon. There must of been about 25 women there, some dressed for the occasion, others not as much. I hadn’t taken into account functions like this when I packed the van back in February. So only have one casual dress with me. No fascinator !The event was held in the community hall, no TV there, but we all gathered into an office and watched it on a TV there. I think the sweeps were run by the PandC. No TAB facilities around here, not even a Club !  A bit of fun and certainly didn’t feel out of place, in fact everyone was very friendly and I came away having thoroughly enjoyed the day, all was not lost on the horses as I was invited to another luncheon for seniors week.                                       If only they would control the flys, I would be happy to stay here longer than the harvest season as planned.                                                                                                    I went for a walk on a couple of occasions, to take photos, but have now given that a miss, due to the flys not respecting my personal space. ! Some wildflowers, but not worth battling the flys over. Hate them.


Ok so i’ll just have to get game and venture out in the car….Alone..              My first trip was to go up to the nearest town Dalwallinu, 50 km away. No traffic, maybe seen 2 cars on way in. It is a bigger town than Kalannie, even has an IGA. We also came through here back in August, when we did the wildflowers. On the way back I stopped to take some photos of the landscape,  Mostly salt flats, some lakes, and acres and acres of grain crops ready to be harvested.

That evening we had a storm, not much rain, but lightening, from all directions, that lit up the sky.

  By Saturday it was still  storming and a whole 6 ml of rain was enough to halt cartage and so Chris had a couple of days off. Of cause not good for the farmers. but we were able to go and have a look around the salt flats and lake area.

Just love taking photos to show natural beauty, of what really is very good for nothing land. Beauty is all around if you want to look for it.!  Farming in this harsh environment, the farmers need to have a good sense of humour, which we were able to see on our drive

The only place for an evening meal out is the Bulldogs football kennel,  where you have the choice of frozen pizza, or a packet of Smiths chips. we had pizza.  Time flies when you’re having fun. Sundays seem to be a R and R day in town, so that’s what we did, except to go for a short walk up to the shop. They don’t make chai lattes, but they make the best old school, strawberry milk shakes, which went down well on the way home…  and there went the first week of living in a small country town.