Day 14 Back to Port Hedland WA

Before leaving this area, I just wanted to see the wreath flowers at Pindar, one more time. Although it was late in the day, you could see they had come out, and multiplied, from when we were here the first time.

Hope you like them, as I think they are amazing, to be able to just pop out and grow in this harsh dry area, especially as the road had just been graded.                  Time to find the others, who had gone to find a camp area off the main road.          ———————————————————————————————————————–Well all good things must come to an end, they say. This morning it’s time to say farewell to our travelling companions, and head back to Port Hedland, to work  We left our camp spot about 7.30am, after having breakfast together, and a slightly emotional good bye. With an early start we were able to stop at a few places of interest during the day,

 so much to see in the way of rock formations and old towns.

Stopped at some stage for a light lunch, and a look around Cue. Nice old buildings and a tidy town.             

                                        I found a place on wiki camps, called Nallan station, and we decided to call it a day and make camp for the night.It turned out to be a lovely area on Lake Nallan. I thought it was a farm stay, but no, was an old railway station, which we realized when we went for a walk later that evening. we followed the old rail track for some distance and came across an old bridge,

 I also picked up some rail spikes as souvenirs, think they will make a good pot plant holder back home, that’s if we ever go home ! 

Lovely to finish the day with a walk around the lake and take more photos, my favourite pastime  



Indarra WA to Mingenew WA

Had managed to do some washing when we pulled up yesterday, one thing about bush camping there is no problem with line space, plenty of trees to string a line on. While the boys relax. Starting to cool down now as we are not far from Perth and not all that far from the coast. We packed up in misty rain, so much for our washing ! We headed out through Pindar, the best place to see the unique wreath flowers, which hopefully will be the highlight of the wildflower trip. They grow on the edges of a sandy road 10 kilometers out. Not fully out yet, but we may come back this way in a month or so, should be in full bloom then, but still worth seeing now.

Happy with our find we headed out again, exploring  some of the tracks a local had suggested to Kathy to do.

Acres of canola everywhere as well as more flowers.

Had some lunch at a nice spot called the glassiers More driving, more photos and so many towns, I can’t remember where we went  or in what order.

Had some fun with the camera at an old school site, where there is still a rock path across the salt plains, that the children used to get to the school.

Finally we booked into a caravan park at Mingenew.