Kalannie Local !

We have been in Kalannie since last October, and are now being treated like a local. Steve Mary and family now treat us as friends. It has been said that Chris their Son, who manages the trucks, has intentions of chaining Chris T, to the steering wheel so he can’t leave. I went for another trip with chris a few weeks ago and we loaded grain at a farm in Dalwallinu. Got chatting to the farmer while Chris loaded and was told he likes Chris doing his work as he always turns up on time and happy, gives him a good start to the day, he says. Nice to hear, guess it helps that Chris can survive on 4/5 hrs sleep, and loves doing this work. Its an early start, getting up around 2am, to be at the farm about 4. We arrived in Perth to unload, around 4hrs later. Hundreds of ducks,  very fat ducks, gather around the grain storage plant, eating the spilled grain, after the trucks have unloaded.

After unloading in Perth, we picked up a load of fertiliser from Fremantle, and headed back in the peak hour traffic, not a fun time, however I soon relaxed as the sun set behind us and enjoyed seeing the paddocks of fire, burning the stubble, shame we couldn’t stop to take photos, as it is an amazing site.   

This is a photo I took a few days later, of the wind rows being burnt during the day. Nothing spectacular but it shows how they clean up, before planting again soon.

Kalannie and North Beach W A

Still in february, we had the weekend off before my birthday, which was nice . Had breakfast at the Cola Cafe in Toodyay, on the way out ,even got my age right , hehe. 

Friends from over east were heading to Perth and had booked into Ocean Beach Apartments.

So we had some time with them as well as a lovely brunch at the North Beach Deli. Meals there are some of the best we have experienced, we like to go there as our friend Ray Simpkin’s daughter own it, and nice to catch up with 2 of his girls as well.

North Beach is a beautiful area on the ocean, with lots of eateries overlooking the water, making the perfect venue to watch the sun go down. When I have nothing to do an Chris is on the road, I sometimes go for a drive and just take photos of lakes and birds, can always find beauty and peace through the lens of the camera.

That’s just about all the excitement we could muster up around here for February, and even the birds have gone to roost.

Hello 2019

Hello there,

Do hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a good start to the new year. Chris and I enjoyed bringing in 2019 in Perth. We had a week in the Advent Park, about 15 minutes from perth so were able to visit relatives, catch up with friends and do a bit of sightseeing, including a lovely day in Fremantle. It’s busy, but a beautiful place to spend some time, especially on a summer’s day. The harbour was alive with boats.


We also had some meals out and probably a few too many ice creams.!

            And have I mentioned shopping !?  DFO was a good place for Chris to sit on a seat and rest, while I checked the place out . Great way to end the day.                                                                                         The next day we went for a drive out to Mundaring Weir.Rather hot on that day, but still walked around and  climbed a number of stairs, so got my exercise for the day.

Happy to have good tv reception in the park and the Hopman cup tennis was on in Perth, the ladies camped next to us were catching a bus in each day. As we became more friendly with them and discussing the play of the day, naturally the conversation turned to how much I like watching Roger Federer play. Not only was I able to watch him win the Cup, live on tv, but the mother *89* and daughter from next to us, brought me home souvenir flags from the event. How thoughtful was that ?, we meet so many lovely people as we travel around.

We ended up staying an extra night at Advent park before leaving to go on our way down to Gracetown. to have a week with Bec, Steve and the 2 grandchildren, Rosie and Creed.


New years eve Perth WA

And just like that it was the last day of 2018. We have had a good year, travelling from East to West.  Thanks to our wonderful neighbors we have been able to travel and work, away since February. They are taking care of the mowing and keeping an eye on the place. We are so privileged to also be healthy enough to enjoy most of the walks and sites on our travels.                                                          So off into Perth for the fireworks over the Swan River. We parked the car about 3.30, and walked, and walked, through parks, along the river walkways and across the Matagarup bridge. Taking in the sites of the Optus stadium and new very upmarket hotel next door.

The walking bridge across the river from Gloucester park raceway is also having a stairway constructed for future bridge climbs. Looks awesome now, will be a site to see when completed. The Crown Hotel is also on the foreshore. I have always loved Perth by night, and walking around seeing all these buildings lit up was great. It was a warm evening and just right for the fireworks, no wind and only the chill off the water around midnight, was enough for us to put our jackets on. Then the fireworks!

Set off from the 2 barges out on the water, sure was spectacular


enough to make us forget our aching legs and the fact that we had been wandering around for over 8 hrs.

Well worth the effort, we both thoroughly enjoyed  the evening.


  So here’s to a happy, healthy 2019 from us, to all those who follow our travels.   Thank you for taking an interest in what we do and hopefully we will meet up somewhere during 2019.