Chris is settling into his new job, now doing quite long days. The work is more strenuous, climbing in and out of the truck all day. He doesn’t do many kilometres in a day, just loading the grain at the farm and taking it to grain storage. Quite often it is to the storage across the road from the caravan park . The storage facilities are open till 9pm , 6 days a week.
Others go 7 days a week, so due to the farm Chris was on last week, he hasn’t had a day off for 2 weeks. Now hoping he has tomorrow off. So not much for me to do, feel a bit guilty, just watch tv, chat and facebook on phone. And take photos of coarse.
I like the drive into Northam, fills in the full day for me. Although I did get one hell of a fright a couple of weeks ago. Was following a scrap metal truck, next sheets of metal were flying into the air, lucky it was windy, so while it was still airborne, it gave me time to back off , before it crashed to the roadway in front of me.
It took the truck driver a distance to stop, he then came back to see if I was ok. All good.
However I did pull up further down the road, taking a break and some photos of the pink salt lakes.
Love the colours of these wastelands
More relaxed I headed into town and brought some lottery tickets!!
This last week the weather has been kind to the farmers, and they are harvesting the paddocks of wheat across the road.
So it was a good opportunity to get some photos.
It’s a bit overwhelming when these big harvesters are heading towards you. They probably thought I was mad standing there with my camera.
It’s very dusty work and with the sun setting, made for some fun shots.
Chris is hoping to get me a ride in a header, so that could be interesting. Although it is very remote here, I don’t feel alone, as there is lights and movement all around me.
When i went into Northam this last week I stopped to have a closer look at the metal that nearly got me the previous week. Not good, think it would of been curtains, so you just never know!
It turned out to be a scrapped wheat bin, and too heavy for the driver to have completely moved off the road.
He had managed to move the smaller piece into a gutter nearby.
Till the next time, out for now.
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