Trip to Albany WA

After a nice week in Gracetown we headed south, wanting to see the field of lights at Albany, before they are turned off, on Anzac Day this year.  They were turned on for the 100 year celebrating the Anzacs. Apart from that there are friends house sitting in the area, that we would like to catch up.                          First stop after packing up and saying goodbye to the kids, was to call into Mammoth Caves, for a look. Well worth the stop.

After we came out of the caves we did a bush walk back to the car park, so had some exercise for the day.

After that we called into Hamelin Bay, had a walk around and a bite to eat. 

It’s my kind of beach, crystal clear, calm water.                                                        Next it was a stop at Cape Leeuwin, and a walk up to the lighthouse. Cute cow eh,?! On the pathway.

These walkways weren’t built last time we were here in 2007.

So much has changed, a lot of remote areas are now quite developed, to bring in the tourist dollars.The photo above shows the area that we camped in back in 2007. Now due to change, caravans have to park in a marked out area up the road quite good, private spots, with toilets not far away, but further from the beach. Cosy Corner is a very popular place, on the south west coast, and one of Chris and my favourite in Australia.

Beautiful beach surrounded by natural bushland. On one of my walks, I came across a flowering gum in full bloom as well as lots of other shrubs, just love staying here.

Couldn’t have asked for better weather while we stayed there. I think we have only had 5ml of rain since we left home nearly 12 months ago.

We made plans to spend saturday with our friends in Albany, and do the Anzac walk on saturday night, as it would be a late night we checked into Emu Point caravan park, on the east side of Albany.After setting up on our site, we drove into town and meet our friends. Had a lovely afternoon driving around all the points of interest, and catching up on our adventures over the last 4 and a half years.  They have sold their house and travel permanently.

It seemed to take forever for the sun to go down, to do our light walk. Finally about 8.30 we entered the memorial park, and the whole experience was very moving as well as beautiful.


A wonderful tribute to our WW1 veterans. As you walked through the field their stories were told through an app on our phone. The lights also changed colour as the story was told.  So well done, and great that we made the trip to experience it. We spent a couple of hours there before saying farewell to our friends. I’m sure we’ll meet somewhere again on our travels.