MAY 18th

just realized I had put wrong date on this post. It is May not April.

Once we got into Sale, we stayed for a couple of nights at the showground. Was interesting to see and walk across the opening bridge, just out of Sale.

The showground was also a safe place to leave the van and go for day trips. Ok , now for Wilsons promontory . A bloody freezing place to visit, in winter, with gale force winds blowing straight across Bass Straight. We walked the walks , got wet, and ached with pain from the cold. We’ve been here a couple of times now, it hasn’t changed, I don’t need to visit it again.

On the way back, we came across these emus feeding on the edge of the road.

The wind was really shaking this fellows tail feathers. I was able to walk right up to it and ask for a close up pic. Next it turned and posed for me. Im sure it must be used to having it’s photo taken . Love the pose. !

There is also a wind farm up in the hills, not very interesting, but we drove up for a look.

After such a cold miserable day to be out and about, finding this sculpture of a bunch of dogs carved into an old tree trunk, made it all worthwhile. How cleaver is the person who did this.

May 15th

Heading out of the real cold area, and getting further East, near Nowa Nowa , we took time to take a look at the heritage trestle rail bridge. Amazing what they could achieve before the machinery of today

Most nights we manage to find a bush camp that we can have a fire.

Most days we pull up for a cuppa or lunch in parks provided by small towns. Usually they have something of interest to look at, I love olden day timber things. Check this water wheel out.

The Information centre at Orbost is a nice old bush house that was moved into town and rebuilt.

While staying a couple of nights at Genoa, we unhooked the van and took a day trip North, up to Bega . we voted in the Government Elections up there and on the way back called into Tathra and Edens Two Fold Bay. The weather wasn’t all that good, so only a couple of photos.

Taking advantage of a beautiful day as we moved on again, and being on the coast for a few days, we went out to Cape Conran . One of my favourite leisure things to do is to beach comb, rock hop ,(no so much of the hopping these days, haha) and chase crabs !

Next was a stop of at Salmon Rocks

That evening we made camp on the banks of the Snowy River. Chris tried his luck at fishing again , no luck.!

Next day was spent at Lakes Entrance , a beautiful area and a beautiful day . We also had fish and chips, for lunch, in the park with one of Chris’s relatives and her children. I also had a bit of fun with the pelicans. I find them fascinating to photograph.

We camped on a reserve not far out of Sale Vic. that night. A good spot with it’s own warf ! The sunset from the van window that night, and the moon rising over the hill behind us was magic.

May 13th 2022

Once we left Nug Nug reserve we headed back through beautiful Bright, and the winding mountain road to Germantown .

We had a short time at Sullivans lookout . Then on to Bogong Dam, lovely reflections over the water, but a bit scary walking in the tunnel, through the wall.

I was amazed there was no water seeping in through the walls. I even stopped to take a photo out through a cavity, before quickly turning around and coming up to the surface again.

From there it was more hard going for the Triton. Lucky we still have good weather, although rather chilly at night. Wouldn’t like to be on these roads in the wet. The road into Falls Creek was closed due to snow the days before, and had only opened the day before we travelled it. We were starting to see the remains of the snow as we got closer to the top.

Only one very quick stop in Falls Creek, been there done that, we seen snow, now lets get out of there.

As we made our way down it was just starting to rain.

Not sure if these trees on the hills are dead or just frozen stiff !?

That night we camped on the river bank not far from Omeo at a place called Anglers Rest. The group that we met there may as well have rested as they were not catching any fish. A nice camp fire that night, and a pleasant area to wander down by the river the next morning.

Even this far down the river there was still some snow from the previous fall.

The steep decent from the mountains wasn’t as bad as we had been told. And then we were in Omeo. A great little town of nice parks and quirky little wooden figures on push bikes. Or whatever. A bit of fun . I’ll finish this post with some but not all of the pics , don’t want to bore you. Enjoy.

love this family one 😊

MAY 10th 2022

Another gorgeous day for a drive, while we are still camped at Nug Nug reserve. First up was Lake Buller, it is a day use area, so no camping allowed. We drove all around the lake and I took a few photos.

Nug Nug reserve, sure is a lovely place to stop for a few days . I think we stayed there 4 nights. I have just realized this blog didn’t publish, so here’s hoping I can catch up tonight. Hard enough remembering what I did yesterday, let alone a week ago.!! Service is also hit and miss on the road.

MAY 8th 2022

Time for a bit of sightseeing, At the base of Mt Buffalo is the town of Porepunkah on the Ovens river. We stopped for a short time to walk in the park.

From there we started the drive up Mt Buffalo. We thought we were going to be able to get to the top, but it was useless, before long we were up in the clouds and couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of us. So when we found somewhere safe to turn around we did. On the way down we stopped to do the walk up to Lady Bath Falls.

The climb up was tough going to say the least, but stopping to take photos along the way, made it bearable, and worthwhile, the plant life, trickling waterways, and mossy rocks were lovely to stop and take a look at, as well as a few deep breaths.

Finally we made it to the top. How awesome are these falls.

On the way back down I came across the end of a log shaped like a heart, so this pic is for you my family and friends, love to all.

Next stop on our day out was Bright, another beautiful place to visit.

Next was Mt Beauty, our last stop for the day before heading back to camp.

That’s it for now. I hope all you mums out there had a nice Mothers Day, I spent a relaxing day at our camp, had phone calls from family and chatted with other campers. Chris also had a relaxing Mothers Day,! haha. Not sure what tomorrow will bring. Night night .

MAY 8th 2022

We had a nice couple of days staying at my cousins. The view from the back of their place is beautiful. It was a warm, sunny day last friday when we left. First stop was Wangaratta, for a few essentials. Driving along the scenery is lovely down this way, in autumn.

With most of the day gone, and the prediction of rain we pulled up at Pioneer Bridges river camp, not that far from Everton. Having some daylight left we decided to do some fishing. No fish for dinner!

Only had a little rain overnight, we packed up early and drove to Beechworth, which is one of our special places to stop. It was raining when we got there, so a good opportunity to promote Jodies Inspiration.

Lovely parks and quirky shops, an enjoyable town to spend some time in.

After a stop at the bakery and a pie for lunch, Chris was just a big kid in the lolly shop. Oh Yum.! Travelled down through Stanley and Myrtleford, to make camp in Nug Nug reserve. A big area, not too many other campers, so quiet, also have power for the next few days, as it’s getting rather chilly around these parts. I think it’s called glamping when you have aircon, and an electric blanket on the bed.!

A beautiful park with lots of trees and bird life, especially parrots.

The next few days we will use this as a base to have a look around the mountains, before it snows.

May 6th 2022

Still staying in Glenrowan we did a silo art trail around the area, not much to say, but enjoyed the drive through the farmland and small towns, taking photos of the art.

An old court house and lock up.

We finished off the day with a drive through the wetlands. the whole area is almost dry at the moment. After a big day out, we went to the Wangaratta RSL club for dinner with my cousin and husband, we had a lovely stay with them .

May 6th 2022

While staying at my cousin’s place in Glenrowan we did some day trips without the van. On wednesday last, we went to Benalla and walked the streets . A great place to spend a few hours taking in the street art. It is everywhere, on shop walls, in arcades and parks. From the bezar to beautiful, stunning, colourful, and some, not to my liking. Anyway I took lots of photos, as we walked the streets and parks. here are some;

Something for everyone, Kids, artlovers, and thinkers, love this one. Hope I’m not boring you, but photos are the only way to explain what this town is like. So here’s some more.

Well I can truly recommend a visit to Benalla, if your down this way. A neat town with a lake, lots of parks and coffee shops. Autumn time is beautiful, with all the golden leaves. We really enjoyed it.

Next it’s the silo art trail….

May 3rd 2022

What beautiful weather we are having, No humidity, rather cool nights, sunny days of around 20 degrees and no wind. However I have had to relent on my 10 degree rule. This morning it was only 7 when I got out of bed at 8am. BBBBrrrrr, weather forecast is for snow in next few days around this area. Lets see how long before Chris does an about turn and heads north. haha. We didn’t get away from Henty till after lunch, so just did a few kms till we pulled into an off road bush camp, lit a fire and had a BBQ for tea.

Next morning we had a stop for some photos over the Hume Weir, it is quite full after all the rain. Six years ago we were here. and it was almost dry. A beautiful spot but you can’t camp right on the lake now, as its all fenced off, much to Chris’s disgust.

Albury was next, we had lunch up on the Hill where the Cenotaph is. The wreaths were still there from Anzac Day. It is the nicest, cleanest one I have been to. The view over Albury is also spectacular. Forming a boundary to the area are blocks with plaques on them, denoting all the wars. I couldn’t help being moved by the one at the end which was blank. Hopefully we will never see a plaque on it !!

We did some shopping and drove around the now busy city. Albury has an extra big railway station, as you can see in the drive by photo.

We took the time to wander through the Botanical gardens, not the best we’ve seen, but still enjoyed the walk around

From Albury we traveled on to Yarrawonga where we camped on the banks of the Murray River, overlooking the golf course. I had a nice time taking some fun photos of the ducks

I also enjoy taking reflective photos of rivers at the end of day.

Behind the van we had our own set of steps cut into the bank, going down onto the sand. It was a good spot.

The next morning we got up at sunrise, went for a walk and fed the birds, before leaving,

We had made arrangements to have lunch at the Sports Club at Barooga, with a long time friend of the Terlichs. A chap that used to schear for them on the farm . After a long lunch we drove to Glenrowan to have some time with one of my Cousins. Parked the van in their backyard, and settled in for a good catch up……