August 20th

A Talc mine ? Never heard of them….

we were out North, East of Perth and driving through a little town of womarden. Saw the sign to a lookout and Talk mine. Have never given any thought as to where talcum powder comes from, but now I know.

yep it starts off as rocks mined and crushed here.

The view from the lookout was also nice as you could see right out to the coast.

Back on the gravel road again, a quick stop at the 4 coloured trees, made of metal, representing mental health, Breast cancer, environment and road deaths.

The Canola paddocks are now turning to gold, just beautiful, as well as seeing more wildflowers

We love driving from one small town to the next, stopping to take photos and taking in the history ,usually dating back to the 1800S

Three Springs is a popular spot. Then Carnamah is not far away, some of the rubble and remains of the old Bake house still stands.

Next stop was the McPherson’s Station. The old family home is being restored and what a grand old building it is. We weren’t able to go inside, however I managed some photos through the windows.

Outside there is lots of machinery and old vehicles, as well as the remains of the servant’s quarters.

These little old towns are so interesting to wander around and the wildflowers out at the moment make them more so, especially when I find the tiny orchids springing into flower.

On the narrow roads the big machinery on the move doesn’t leave much room for a caravan to pass . But we’re not in a hurry and always on the lookout for the unexpected.

Driving through Yarra Yarra Lakes area , we started to look for a camping area for the night, we found one in Eneabba just as it started to rain.

A great big area and we were able to set up our friend Neil Marks, under the awning, in his tent, for the night. We just happened to cross paths, so it was a good chance for he and Chris to reminisce over earlier years in Ballina. We had dinner at the pub across the road. And then it poured rain all that night. The next morning Neil packed up and off he went on his bike, and it seemed like the rain had gone.

We also packed up and decided to have a look along the coast road. We drove into Green Head, it was a real change to see white sand after months of red dusty roads.

After having a look around, we moved further south, doing some bush walks and finding more flowers.

We drove up to Gibson’s lookout, where there’s an old surveying marker from the 1800S.

Can you see what I could see. How well camouflaged is this echidna.

Our next walk was around Drummond Reserve, as we headed away from the coast.

Lots of different flowers coming out in this area. But still a lot more to come.

We stayed in this area for a couple of nights, a nice quiet spot ,with lots of pink and grey galahs. We were parked next to a couple that were nesting in a tree. They do however destroy some of the trees by ring barking them.

Next we stayed at Nathon and Stacey place, about an hour out of Perth. We were made feel very welcome and the van went undercover, so good as it poured rain on and off for the whole time we were there.

This is Nathan’s dog, it was her First birthday and had been given a grey goose, poor goose didn’t last the day out.

We had a lovely stay surrounded by natural bush ,lots of green parrots and of cause the dogs. We also had a visit from Dianne and her sister, which was nice.

On Sunday Nathan, Chris and I went to watch their AFL team Carlton play at the Optus Stadium in Perth. What an awesome stadium and Carlton won, making the freezing cold day bearable.

Another day out in Perth to visit my cousin and his wife, he’s very proud of his passion fruit vine.

The next day we visited Steve and his Parents in Perth. A nice catch up and Steve’s mum, did her best to give me some exercises to help my troubling back.

Getting down was one thing but getting back up was another thing. So that brings the blog up to about a week ago. We are now staying with friends at Kalannie in the wheat belt. Keep well and safe family and friends. That’s it for now.

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