Aug 1st

I’m back, !! not much internet service over this side of the country, but the landscape is sure worth seeing . 1ST time we have been into Millstream. Some don’t like it but I think it is natural beauty at its best.

Maybe the few clouds that were around ,made it all the more picturesque

And my favourite wildflower,,the Sturt Desert Pea, were in full bloom.

Sorry I blurred this one. The flowers are only just starting to come out up here.

Termite mounds everywhere!

So much variety no matter which way you look.

Even the spiky spinifex grass can be attractive in some places

Next we took a look around Dampier, back out on the coast.

A tidy little coastal town and Port. With the ships lined up in the distance, waiting for loading

Our camp for that night was on the bank of the Robe River at Fortescue .we had had quite a bit of wind before Karratha, and broken the TV aerial, so as well as catching up with one of my Cousin’s daughters for a coffee, in Karratha, Chris went and bought a new aerial.

We don’t have a ladder with us, so getting up close to an old toilet block solved the problem of getting the new aerial on the roof. Fixed!

Another camp spot further south the next day was at yannarni, a big bush camp on the bank of a dry river. We booked into Coral Bay for the next 2 nights, so this was our wait stop. A lot of vans doing the same thing.

Termite mounds, each side of the road, all the way into Coral Bay, the next day.

The caravan park was packed. Chris went for a swim in the Bay . I thought the pool may have been warmer, but no so. It’s a nice park , but, $62 a night ,no water hookup and packed in like sardines, is not my idea of a good camp. Oh well, thems the breaks. Not to mention yelling mums, screaming kids and barking dogs. It’s fair to say my painfull back over the last 6 weeks was taking its toll.

One has to just keep going, so off to do some 4x wheel drives in the coastal reserve. That’s sure to fix the back !

it sure is a pretty area, this is 5 finger reef. Creating lovely swimming bays between each reef outcrop. Very popular for snorkelling. Great if you’re into fishing or water sports.

The sand buggies do a couple of tours from town each day.

As well as driving we walked the beach and were lucky enough to see a star fish in the shallows.

And what would Coral Bay be without washed up coral on the beach

That done it was time to head back through the sand hills and have some lunch in the centre of the little shopping complex. A very good Bakery.

One more night in the overflowing caravan park and we were back on the road again.

Heading south towards Carnarvon, we are starting to see more of the wildflower daisy’s on each side of the road

we drove around the waterfront and around town, before doing some shopping and heading out of town to a roadside stop which had a few more flowers around.

Ahh this spot is better than a caravan park any day. Just sayin ,my opinion! , each to their own. Love to all .