July 10th

Our next adventure from Derby was Tunnel Creek in the King Leopold Ranges.

The entrance to the tunnel was well hidden and getting into the tunnel was rather challenging. We had to chamber over big rocks, then wade through water, not the easiest task as there were smaller rocks under the water and warnings of fresh water Crocodiles.

once inside the cave it’s dark so we needed a touch to see where we were going. Chris had the head torch, so I was often left in the dark ,but that’s nothing new.! It was a bit creepy to start with, but when I saw how amazing it was, I relaxed and started taking photos.

This was as far as we went as the water was over peoples heads around the corner. And no I didn’t fancy going in that deep a water. And it was cold.

The rocky cave walls were beautiful so many different patterns and textures.

The floor was mainly sandy, but there were some rocky patches that we had to pick our way through.

We spent quite some time in the tunnel, taking lots of photos. The marbled patterns were beautiful on some of the rocks near the entrance. Again getting out of the cave was quite difficult.

Driving along further we came across the remains of stone built police lock ups.

Next was a hike through Windjana Gorge, it was very hot, dry and rugged going

Again it was beautiful scenery, high rocky cliffs on both sides of the Lennard river.

The pathway was hard going due to all the flood damage. Chris went on further along the river bank, but still couldn’t get to the end of the Gorge. I took more photos before making my way back to the car.

The next day was a quite one and we just went down to the marsh in Derby to see the sculptures there

When we pulled up at this next one ,it just looked like a whole lot of scrap metal strung together, I couldn’t figure it out till I took a photo. Now I see it I think it is brilliant.

We left Derby and drove on to Broome the next day, We were lucky enough to phone ahead and get a camp spot at the overflow area at the 7 Day Aventis Church.

We crossed over the Fitzroy River again at Willare on the way into Broome, also they are doing lots of roadworks

From Broome we did a day trip up to the Cape and drove through the little communities up that way .The Beagle Bay Church was worth a look, It is fitted out with inlaid mother of purl shells,making it quite unique.

On the way home we stopped at the Roadhouse for a drink, not much there but a mural on the fuel tank.

Then into Cygnet Bay ,where the tide was rushing in. This is the area that we flew over a few days ago on our way back from the Horizontal Falls.

We couldn’t get into Cape Leveque, where I have been wanting to see, as the roads are shut. But the road from Broome to the Cape is all sealed now, and just one long 240 klm straight.

Just one more stop along the way to say hello to a pack of donkeys. How cute is this little inquisitive fellow?

Back in Broome we went out for a nice dinner with friends, Leeanne and Craig, who have been working in Broome for I2 months.

We went to the Golf club, which has a lovely view over the Harbour. Also Chris spent some time at the Ice Factory where Craig works.They had a great time catching up while we were staying in town.

We had 5 days in Broome, so a wander around the main shopping area was a must for me.. A bit like Byron Bay, full of tourists, only twice as big and twice as busy. However it does have a lovely leafy main street.

From there we went out to main beach and jetty, being school holidays is was very busy and lots of kids catching good size fish off the jetty

The tram car does tours around, but we didn’t need to do that.

Since we were in Broome last, a number of figurines have been added on the walkway, telling the story of when Broome was invaded during the War. You may be able to read some of their story if you scroll in . There were 9 altogether I think.

The waterfront has been beautifyed as well, and we spent some time out the end of the jetty watching the kids catching fish with nearly every throw out. There were lots of turtles as well as sharks swimming around the jetty.

Next was the sandy beach road up the coastline to Gantheaume Point lighthouse. We parked the car and walked out on the rocky cliffs.

Red rocky cliffs against blue sea and white sand, that’s Broome, some hate it ,some like it. I Love the place.

Sometimes I should take my bigger camera on walks. I would have liked a better photo of this osprey garding the nest in the lighthouse tower

After Broome we will be heading south, so I’m looking forward to seeing the wildflowers. This one caught my eye as we headed back to the car.

Cable Beach, what can I say, ? beautiful by day. Stunning sunsets at nightfall.

whales lolling around just off Shaw, again that bigger camera would of been handy

Takeaway fish and chips on a warm balmy evening, that was our last night in Broome.

Here we are doing it tough in a bush camp, just about an hour out of Broome. Still have service so I’ve been able to catch up with the blog, while Chris has a nanny nap after such a big drive. Haha. I feel we have well and truly seen what the Kimberley and top end of our country has to offer. What a diverse country we are privileged to live in. Keep well and take care till next time friends xx