July 1st

On the road again we called in to view more of the flood damage around Durack. The Ord River seems to have a mind of its own ,when in flood, uprooting trees, taking out bridges or destroying approaches making crossings impossible.

This next pic is looking toward Lake Argyle Mine and some of the rubble from the road to the bridge.

We ended up staying at Leicesters Rest, a camp on the river bank. As it was another hot day we went paddling in the river to cool off and take photos of the closed Ord River crossing.

A nice stopover and have fun with the camera.

The next day we arrived in Halls Creek, not the type of town that you leave your vehicles or caravans unattended. However we did some shopping, then Drove out to see the original town site. They are trying to preserve some of the old mud buildings, under shelters. I was amazed at the fire places and the fancy stone work around them.

Also at the old town site is a memorial to the Royal Flying Doctor as well as the old Cemetery.

Not far from town is the China Wall. An unusual rock crop that runs down some of the hills

There are also some other rocks around the parking area, that seem to be out of character for these hills. More like the ones from the Bungle Bungle range. They are all different coloured stripes.. Maybe a man made added feature to the site ?

Starting to see more bush flowers now

Our next camp spot was at Mary Pool, on the Mary River. Another peaceful spot on the river bank. The crossing approaches also have been washed away, the cows roam freely, and are very quiet.

Some even spend the day at the beach ,haha

The cattle don’t seem to know anything about personal space , or eavesdropping when I’m on the phone. All part of the adventure. Plus, Chris has learnt how to cook a good steak.

The next morning we moved on westward, enjoying the change in scenery.

We arrived in Fitzroy crossing, via the newly completed bridge over the Fitzroy River. Its amazing to see just how much damage the floods did through these little communities up North.

We are camped at Allendale Station on the lake. It’s so good of the owners to allow free camping here. We have stayed here before and enjoy the birds and very friendly cattle.

Had to laugh at this cow, she layed down and listened to Allan Jackson. When Chris turned it off some time later she got up and walked away.

A third night here won’t hurt, or will it be 4 , before we move on to Derby

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