June 24th

Three days in Kununurra gave us time to enjoy the area and see the flooded Plains and waterways.

Not far out of town is Maggie’s Valley which we passed through on our way to Wyndham for the day.

We went up to the lookout, which we had been to before, but have never seen so much greenery around the flats.

We spent quite some time up there, then met up with friends from Ballina for Lunch

The Croc Cafe, is well known for its pies, they were huge and very tasty. It was nice spending some time with Marty and Deb, before we travelled back to Kununurra via the back gravel road.

We called into Marlgu Billabong and what a spectacular sight it is at the moment. So much bird life and water lilies, just a picture perfect time to be there.

I had to zoom right in for this next pic. Can you see him?? No doubt he was watching us across the other side on the board walk. Obviously the birds new he was there, and giving him a wide birth.

Just so peaceful there I could sit in the bird watch hut for hours.

We took the 80 klm of dirt road, crossing many flooded causeways, and some we had to detour around as you don’t want to walk into water around here if you can’t see the bottom.

It was getting late in the afternoon when we went into Black Rock Falls, and this was one crossing we didn’t venture into

It was nearly dark by the time we got back to the van. It had been a big day out.

Guy and Annie, Chris and I drove out to Ivanhoe crossing for a look. It has been closed since the floods. The amount of water that is flowing over the crossing is amazing. Don’t think it will be opened anytime soon.

Such a shame to see all this water going to waste.

So thats it for now as we head out again . Annie cooked a lovely BBQ, as a parting dinner, they have more time in Kununurra as we keep going West.

Our next stop, was to view the mighty Ord River Diversion Dam ,on our way out of Kununurra, so much water!!

Then onto Molly spring, and a very rocky road in . We drove 2 thirds of the way in ,then walked the rest of the way as it was not the best road for the van.

It was worth the effort as it was beautiful in there, the water looked so inviting, but I just had to be contented with paddling in the shallows and watching little fish swimming around my feet.

I guess there was phone service in there,! But we won’t talk about that.. I’ll just enjoy the natural beauty of the place.

By mid afternoon we pulled into a nice little spot near the Dunham River. Hills in the background and flowering wattle all around.

We never know what tomorrow brings, so till then keep safe our family and friends.

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