June 20th.

Well we ended up staying at the Rapids, farm stay for 8 days, a bit of a forced stop ,due to my back. But that’s OK as it gave Annie and Guy time to catch us up for a night, before we went our separate ways again.

We were the longest staying guests so far this season, apparently. The Care Takers were great and made us feel very welcome, being given fresh out of the oven slices of sour dough bread, most days.

Sunday nights is camp oven stew and damper, night, then the owner entertains with his poems and songs. around the camp fire.

As Annie and Guy were there we went for a drive over the 600 odd acres, mainly bush tracks along the river banks. Rough but I survived!.

This photo of the boys, amuses me , Chris says he is not worried about Crocks, the pic tells a different story.

I am terrified of the Crocks in NT waterways , however I did get out to take some photos. Sure is a beautiful property.

we ended our stay the next morning and went back into Katherine to do some shopping. Also took some time to have an hour or so in the hot springs there.

This area has changed so much ,since we were here . It used to be a bush track down to the springs, now it’s all paved and prettied up.

We made a big effort after our relaxing swim and drove about 20 minutes till we pulled up for the rest of the day. First into the camp and last of about 10 others to leave the next morning.

The drive between Gregory and Timber Creek is lovely. The highway follows the Victorian river, and after the recent floods the river is still flowing and quite picturesque against the red cliffs in the background.

We drove down onto the rocky river bed and parked, while we went down to the river edge, no I didn’t get too close.!

From there we drove up to a lookout with views over the river, but for me the bush flowers were starting to shine through.

The kapok trees are looking great against the blue ,cloudless sky and red rocky cliffs

Because of the light it was hard to get a photo of the palms growing in the rocks, quite interesting when you see them in natural colour. This is the best I could do to show them up.

The view of the Bradshaw bridge over the Victoria River from the lookout ,with flowering NT Eucalyptus in the foreground

We had a quick stop for a cuppa at Timber Creek.

We drove down to have a closer look at the bridge and maybe drive over it but were stopped, and had to back off as it is a government reserve on the other side.

From the bank where I took some photos, you could see how high the river was during the floods, and the bridge was well under water.

Some of the many Boab trees, as we neared our last stop in NT for the night.

We pulled up just after the East Baines crossing . Again first in and last to leave this morning. There were probably about 15 other campers there last night.

Our drive this morning was nice as we headed towards Kununurra.

We gained an extra hour and a half, timewise as we crossed the Territory border into WA .

We are now staying at the Showground in Kununurra, we have a good spot, and who should be next to us but Annie and Guy. We will stay here for 3 nights. Had cute little zebra Doves picking around the van as we ate dinner and watched footy on the field. And a full moon as well .

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