May 12th

Our first sight of the Rock,

As we travelled towards it, it seemed to become bigger and more interesting.

We arrived at Eyers Rock Campground around lunch time and set up for the next 4 days.

I didn’t expect to see so many accommodation places out here. Sails in the Desert is a popular one, and has a nice pool and gardens surrounding it.

Not to waste any of our time here, once we were set up, we headed out the road further to walk through the sand dunes and view the Olgas

As they have had a good amount of rain recently, the desert wildflowers are starting to bloom.

How cute is this little fellow, and so well camouflaged, and what a long tail, looks just like another stick

Hope you all like wildflowers as much as I do, incredible that they can survive out here.

We still had enough time left that afternoon to do another couple of walks.

It was quite a decent walk over a rough rocky pathway. We could have gone further but chose to turn back after getting to the first lookout.

We drove around to the next walk , it wasn’t as hard going .

We had only been in the park for half a day but I was really enjoying the scenery, and taking lots of photos

What a perfect afternoon to be out there wandering around in natural beauty.

It only takes a little amount of water, to make the place come alive, and for me to have fun with the reflections.

This was as far into the Valley of winds that we could go , so we sat for awhile and just enjoyed the towering rocks around us. Ahh, and our phones, I’m thinking.!

I just had to stop a few times on the way out to take more photos of the rock pool and flowers

Well that was our look around the Olga’s. I really enjoyed the time there. That evening we drove out from the camping area to a viewing point ,a few kls away to watch the sunset on the rock.

Hundreds of people line the fence, sitting and waiting for the sun to go down. As I’m not one to sit around and drink, I just wandered around trying to get some different shots. After all, a rock is a rock, so it makes sense to me ,to give it some character.

The sun set and so that was the end of day one at Uluru

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