May 6th

While staying at Cooper Pedy we did a couple of big day drives, there is a lot of open space and not much to see until you reach the point of interest. Our first day was out past Mt Barry and a stop at Patsies car.

We all had a bit of fun, but couldn’t get it started, so settled for some photos, which broke the monotony of the drive.

Obviously there is cattle out here, as we came across cattle yards, but not a beast in sight.

Further on, the hills at Arckaringa were a welcome sight, we got out and had a look from a viewing point, and took some photos

Now for what we had come out to see, the Painted Desert.

Quite spectacular on such a perfect day, but I guess it would be nice to see at sunset also.

A truly beautiful area to see. Then we were on our way to Oodnadatta.

The main attraction was the Pink Roadhouse ,where we had a lunch of huge hamburgers and chips. No need for dinner that night,.

We walked around the town, taking some photos and going through the old railway station museum.

The Transcontinental Hotel seemed to be closed. As was most other old buildings.

The Museum, was interesting enough, but I didn’t stay inside long, I prefered to go out into the park area and watch the little finches flitting around.

After that we were back on that famous Oodnadatta Track. In general what we did of it, the conditions were not too bad.

Next was Antakirinja Breakawaysi in the conservation Park not far from Cooper Pedy. We spent a couple of hours out there talking to other travellers and taking photos as the sun went down.

There were lots of emus out there, all bailed up by the dog fence. They are such stupid birds, they run beside the cars as you go past and crash into the fence, continually

The next morning we went to the underground church in town

Thank God the roof didn’t fall in,! I let Chris open the door and go in first.

Next we went and looked through some opal jewellery shops, hmmm, very nice but…

So much mining out here, we went into one area and dug around, but it was hot going, so drove back into town and settled for a waffle and ice cream at the waffle and Gem shop.

That evening I walked up the hill behind the caravan park as the sun was setting. A nice all round view to complete our stay in Cooper Pedy

There’s a nice restaurant on the hill with great views.

The next morning we drove further North to a lovely area at a waterhole, at the western end of the Oodnadatta track. Just out of Marla. Still in South Australia but not far from the Northern Territory border now.

It was a lovely evening sitting around the camp fire and watching the sun go down on another good day in the Centre.

Yesterday we went into Marla and stayed at the caravan park so we could do washing . Not a bad little spot, but nothing else to look at. The clothes are clean but I don’t think we will ever get rid of the red dust in the car and van.

Today Chris and I have come back out to the water hole camp, so a day of rest for us, while Guy and Annie have gone on to another camp and going in to be at the geographical centre of Australia. I’m happy to catch up with the blog today and wait for another sunset. Chris is sitting in the sun reading. Ahh the serenity… keep well everyone.