April 30th

I love the beauty of Port Augusta.

The white salt from the lakes, the blue hue from the surrounding mountains and wide open spaces.

The only thing that is ruining the views is the wind turbines.

Again we are having great weather, and the drive out the long straights to Woomera was nice.

We got to the space station in time to go through the museum and walk around the area

A great display of all things spacewise, lots of rockets, models and planes.

Not to be forgotten are the disasters, bits and pieces of mangled metal and wiring. All interesting to look and read about, especially for the boys.

An old medicine chest, caught my eye, complete with old bottles of remedies.

Back outside more rockets, weather stations and Data collectors. Could do with this one back in Casino, maybe we would get a better internet reception 😀.

Bit scary to think that this stuff is hovering around above us, some landings are good, others not too good.

That afternoon we pulled into a RV ground next to Spuds roadhouse. Many others there too.

It wasn’t the best sunset, but the sunrise the next morning, as a freight train rattled through close by, had the promise of a nice day ahead.

Next stop was Roxby Downs and a bit of a wander around the mining town.

It’s obvious that the mining company puts a lot into its town and community. A very clean town with well kept streets and parks.

We had our own little camping area not far from Roxby, which was handy to leave the vans and drive out to the opal fields around Andamooka.

One of the most interesting places to visit and walk around.

Little Dugouts built into the hillsides. Most of the ones we saw were old and falling to bits, however there are still people living in homes built back into the hills.

It seems like the miners just dug into the hills wherever, as there didn’t seem to be any plan to the town.

Driving around out here is quite spectacular.

Before we left town we had a visit to Cal, the Tiger Man. He lives up in the hills and spends his days and years, creating sculptures out of rocks. Very clever bloke.

The Tiger he has completed is ready to go on Display. Incredible that each piece of coloured rock is cut and placed in position to build such an amazing piece.

His next piece, being worked on in the shed, is a 6ft 8″ , Woman .

We were invited back into his home for photos in the bar.

A great place to visit, and no doubt there is some interesting characters living there.

We drove back to our camping spot, and sat chatting till the sun went down.