April 23rd

Another roadside stop last night at Apsley Vic.

We were up and on the road early this morning, and gained an extra half hour as we crossed the border into South Australia..

The Bakery at Bordertown was our breakfast stop. The park there is one of the best we’ve been to.

As for the Bakery it is brilliant, a great big modern building, built over and around the heritage police station and goal. As well as being a Bakery it’s new building is full of old memorabilia, all beautifully displayed around the dining area, that has polished timber furniture. What a great idea.

The Toilets outside were the old lock up, painted black and white, with original lock up doors, including bars across the top, and the old systern toilet with pull chain. Well done to whoever had the inspiration to create this site, the old and the new under one roof. Only negative was the attitude of the lady behind the counter, maybe she had been locked up all night.

OK, moving on, I had a walk around town to get a couple more pics.

Driving on to Coonalpyn, the silo art is nice, but not very clear for photos.

The mosaic murals as we drove into Murray Bridge are colourful. The wind has become quite strong and it’s 25 degrees . So we pulled up for night.

We unhooked the van and went for a drive around.

Bridges across the mighty Murray, the first bridge to cross the river completed in 1879.

Today was a beautiful drive, we drove through lots of small towns in the valleys, as we headed for Adelaide, the Barossa and Clare valleys are very dry at the moment, but still beautiful with their autumn leaves

Most of my photos were taken while travelling , as we are meeting up with friends, tonight, who we have planned to travel onward up the Centre with, so only one stop for lunch, in a park at Kapunda.

We definitely need to come back and spend more time around this area, at some stage.

We arrived in Wirrabara caravan Park this afternoon and met up with Guy and Annie . And wow, sat down to the best baked dinner. prepared by Annie, and talked over the adventure ahead.

Spending Anzac day tomorrow in this little town, so a day of rest , and “Lest We Forget “, Those that gave their time and lives for this great country, that we have the privilege to be travelling around and live in.