March 24th

After Bruny Island, Hobart with it’s diverse landscape and architecture…

We chose to stay at Lee Scout Camp, a big acreage high up on a hill on the outskirts of the city.

We did a sightseeing tour on the Red double decker bus . Which gave us some idea of what we could do in the next few days.

The tour took us from the Port area, through exclusive suburbs, and past historic and modern buildings.

The next day we went up Mt Wellington , it was freezing cold but worth the trip.

On the way back down the mountain we stopped into this cute little hut for a warm up Coffee.

Another must do is the Salamander Markets. They are huge. A big tourist attraction and visited by thousands, and we enjoyed following the mob ,up one row and down the next.

on our way back to the carpark, we walked past some of the old buildings ,

I knocked on the treasury’s front door , but they weren’t handing out any cash that day.

We stopped for a look in this beautiful old church . The next day we went to Mona. Museum of Old and New Art. We didn’t know what to expect as there is so many different opinions on the place. And so another must do for me. I’ll let you make up your own mind from the following photos.

You can catch a ferry across, but we drove and parked near the grape orchard, then walked up the hill , passing some unusual signs.

The entry was also interesting, all mirrors

I think the building itself is amazing. Three floors of carved sandstone.

The next photo is of a waterfall that has Google news headlines screening on the water, the photo doesn’t show how amazing it is.

some things I just didn’t get what they meant. Like these goldfish? If you can work out what it means ,let me know.

This structure is put together like a jigsaw, no nails or screws.

This room is just full of blank white paper books.?.

unusual tunnels to walk through for different experiences

This was a table that you could sit at and count a scoop full of grain. Suppose to clear your mind of all thoughts?

I was so interested in this one that I stepped over the line on the floor, and set of the alarm. Frightened shat out of me and the security came running and saved the day.. He explained it was likened to our digestive system, they feed it one end then works it’s way out the end.

There are also quiet areas to sit on very lavish furniture.

I found this image of a deceased young girl, with mice and rats over her, so real, yet so gross. Very confronting!!

There is a lot of ancient and religious arts ,dating back hundreds of years.

Also a licensed bar

The surrounding grounds also have some interesting things to look at

Another day we had a lovely lunch at the restaurant on top of Mt Nelson. More spectacular views over the coast. We have been so lucky with the weather . Fine sunny days,with little wind.

From mountain tops to Botanical gardens, we are enjoying every place we go to and spending most days out and about between 10 and 4pm.

Even though it is so dry around most of Tasmania, we spent over 3 hours just wandering around the garden, most of the flowers are finished but the water features are lovely, autumn is in the air, so many of the shrubs have a hint of gold .

We left Hobart the next day, driving out around Marian Bay, then did some shopping in Sorell and finally getting to Dunalley where we are camped behind a beautiful old pub.

There was also a friend staying in Dunalley, so we went for a catch up and had dinner together one night. That’s it for now have a safe and happy Easter, family and friends.

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