March 18th

The geographical location of the centre of Tasmania…

Halfway across the state and halfway through our time as well. We’ve enjoyed the West Coast, then spent some time in the Mt Field National Park. First travelling through Hamilton ,and seeing the big power station.

A look around an old cemetery and church, dating back to the early 1800S. Also a lot of apple orchards in the area

We went for a walk through another great rainforest and up to russell falls , they would have to be the best we’ve seen.

We started at the bottom of the falls, then did the 240 odd stairs to the top

The climb was worth doing, and I managed to get some pics of different ground covers.

That night we chose to stay at a private property just out of New Norfolk. Owned by a lovely couple, and it was so handy, we stayed for 2 nights.

Such a pretty area, especially from the lookout over New Norfolk. Very hilly..We went to the Salmon ponds, where we had fun feeding the fish. lots of different varieties from all over the world. I had fun with the camera also, and we finished off the day with pancakes by the pond , very relaxing.

the fish were hard to get a photo of, but the platypus seemed to enjoy the attention.

we drove through Hobart, not stopping till we arrived at our next stay in Geeveston

An old timber town, with a nice timber museum and timber carvings representing days gone by.

Always time for a bit of a laugh

The camp spot is behind a club and on a creek with about 20 resident ducks that come out to be fed by the tourists. Seemed like a fun thing to do, till we got up next morning and they had shat on our matting.

Using Geeveston as a base we drove down south as far as we could, the point marked with a big bronze whale. It was freezing cold and windy, after all it’s not far from the Antarctic.

whilst there we got talking to a young couple, and who should it be, but the daughter of a school friend from Bomaderry where I grew up. Tamika took a photo to send to her mum.

Next we drove up and did a tour of the Hastings caves . 500 steps through mother natures art galleries. Just brilliant!

I can’t remember how far down into the cave we went, but we spent about an hour there all up., and I took lots of photos so this is just a few.

OK that’s enough, you get the picture! There’s also a thermal pool there, but we opted for a short walk around the park and a coffee before going back to camp.

The next day we drove around the Southport area and stocked up the fridge as we planned to go over to Bruny Island the next day.

Well that’s it for now peeps, next will be Bruny Island. The bays down South are so calm and picturesque. So many boats of all kinds, just lolling around. Xx

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