March 1st

We had 3 days at Green Point, which was really nice. On the last day I went for a walk with my cuppa tea, and came back with a mug full of blackberries.

They were so yummy I went back out with a saucepan, then we had stewed blackberries and yoghurt for the next couple of days. That evening it was a nice sunset and the paddy melon wallabies came out to feed. We were snug in the van , but that night the wind was shocking, coming off the ocean, up the hill and rocking the van with gusts over 65 klm.

The next morning we were up early and drove down to Arthur River, where we went on a cruise for the day. It was a bit cloudy to start, but turned out good, and was so calm and peaceful as we travelled along 14 klms into the forest.

The tour guides, were very knowledgeable, pointing out things of interest and stopped to feed some of the Sea Eagles, fish, as they wait for the boat to arrive each day.

Both sides of the river has thick ground cover, not many rocks, but so much fernery, especially tree ferns. Morning tea on board, was a beautifully layed out fruit and cheese platter with champagne . Or juice in my case.

We arrived at a private jetty, where we walked up a track to a bush hut.

The Captain lit the pot belly fire for a bit of comfort before guiding us on a bush walk, following the creek.

If you don’t like to marvel at the beauty of nature, best you scroll on quick. I just love taking photos of what nature can create, when humans don’t have any input

There ws no such path to follow we just walked till the creek stopped us, and then headed back to the bush shack

When we got back the BBQ was fired up and we sat down to rib fillet steak, sausages and salad. More champagne, red wine, tea coffee or whatever. A great spread in the middle of the forest.

We boarded the boat after lunch for the quiet ride back to the little town of Arthur River. We could either have afternoon tea on the way back or take home for later. We all had enjoyed the 5 hr adventure and the afternoon tea slices, were enough for dinner that night as we had had such a big lunch.

Later that day we went for a quick drive out to a place they call the edge of the world. It’s where the river goes out to sea. Very cold but nice viewing.

There is a lot of timber that has come down the river and been washed ashore by the ocean

We left the van at the park in Arthur River the next day and went for a tourist drive along the west coast. First stop was out to Bluff Hill Point. Very rugged coastline, and the most spectacular rock formations to wander around and take lots of photos.

so many different colours and patterns, I loved this beach.

There are only 2 big houses on the edge of a cliff above the beach, we had to walk around them to get down to the beach and on our way back Chris was taking my photo outside one house when the owner came out and started chatting.

We talked for awhile, then we were invited in for a cuppa. Wow what a view over the beach. As for the house itself it is full of memorabilia and photos of past visitors. While we were there we met a builder and his 2 workers. We ended up staying for an hour or so, having a great conversation over tea, coffee and cake. We also had our photo taken before driving off on our way to the next stop.

Another stop and look around Couta Rocks.

A quick look around the stockmans retreat, before doing a short walk down to Rebecca Lake with lots of black Swans swimming around.

Last stop for the day was Lady Sarah beach, which seems to have a few residential houses. It’s been good to see some of these remote areas and how isolated people are living in them, the distances may not be far but the roads are mainly gravel and very winding. It was a good idea to leave the van back at the camp. That’s it for now.

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