February 25th

Looking back over the last few days. We were staying at Smithton and doing day trips from there, first up was into Rocky Cape National Park again, to do the forest walk and Arch.

One of the best we have done, so far. The walk in was easygoing and beautiful. At the end there were rocky cliffs, caves and a green pool.

Throughout the walk the tree ferns and ground cover were superb. My kind of walk, nature at its best.

Next stop was the big tree, OK I’ve seen bigger, but it still is a big tree.

Next stop was Dip Falls, nothing spectacular, but has 260 odd stairs to the bottom, and I need the exercise

Then there was all those stairs back up, stopping to take a few photos here and there,(catching my breath, in other words)

The next day we tackled the Nut at Stanley, guess we could have walked up, but they say it’s very steep going, so we opted for the chairlift.

Like kids on a carnival ride, love it.

Once we got to the top we did our walking, a good track of about 2kl, with brilliant views back over Stanley and the cliffs of the Nut.

The views of the Harbour and waterways were nice, although a bit hazy due to the hot day.

On one side of the Nut it’s like walking through a forest with lots of wildlife. They just go about their business as if your not there.

The walk done and a bit hot we caught the chairlift back down the hill and into town for a walk and photos. Stanley is a quirky little place and worth the visit.

We then drove out the road a bit to see some of the first settlement buildings and jail remains.

Beautiful old buildings, now have accommodation with manicured gardens including contented chooks, all with a beautiful view over the coast. Not sure I was supposed to walk around in there, but I did. Anything for a photo or two.

Some of the shops in Stanley are nicely done up. Especially the old school house.

The RV camp spot in Smithton, is another good place to stay while doing day trips.

Our next day out was to see how close we could get to the North West cape.

Not very close I’m afraid.

Woolnorth was as far as we got, so I took a couple of photos of the area, before coming back to camp.

Time to head South our first camp is at Green Point. And what a great view we have! Looking out our bedroom window. Just as well as it is very windy at times.

The beach is good for walking, and surfing if you’re keen.

Today has been rather hot but windy, again! Just spent some time rock hopping and talking to other campers. Life is good. That’s it for now. Xx

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