February 17th

Thursday we went for a drive into Burnie, the port there is very busy. Again a nice day and pleasant views from the lookout.

The camping area at Midway Point is popular, and the beach is nice. We stayed there for a couple of days.

Yesterday, without the van, we took to the hills for a day of sightseeing . First stop was Lake Kara.

We spent some time there, I went for a bush walk following a creek, also walked along the edge of the lake, picking and eating blackberries. There are blackberries growing wild at most places we have been so far.

The ferns also are growing wild here

After that we drove further into the hills, stopping to do some walks, the view from Black Bluff lookout was nice ,looking over the Cradle Mountain area.

Not many, but some wildflowers, growing around the bush

Lots of nice creeks and river crossings, most flowing into dams. This one goes into Cethana Dam.

Was such a perfect day today 27* and no wind ! When we got back to camp Chris went for a bike ride and I went for a wander down on Turners Beach.

Even the water was warm, and paddling in little rock pools was relaxing. Picking out different coloured rocks, is almost as interesting as seeing different wildflowers.

I guess small things amuse small minds.

The carpark has gardens around it with some lovely proteas out in bloom

Back at camp, we decided to have an early dinner at the Berri patch restaurant, a nice meal in pleasant surroundings .The fresh strawberry ice creams, are worth a try. Yum.

The Berri patch is actually a farm, so the camping area is probably a couple of acres and you can camp anywhere . This is a photo of where we are, the next is what we woke to this morning

We had to check we weren’t missing a rear set of lights, haha ! There’s always gotta be one, eh.

Our drive today was back into Burnie to do some shopping, then have a look around the headland

The lighthouse and walkways are well maintained, and quite safe to walk around the cliffs.

As we were leaving the walk ,we ran into Chris’s retired Doctor from Ballina, we stopped and had a chat before returning back to the van. A good day out …

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