February 12th

Another day of sunshine, first stop was the Axemens Hall of Fame, we were too early to go in , but the walk around the park was worth the stop.

Next was the town of topiaries, some good others were hard to know what they were. Over a 100 in town.

The rat gets my pick,

Then on to the town of murals, Sheffield., some political, some really good, others beyond me! However we spent a couple of hours there wandering around.

Even the cafes are full of art or crafty things

There’s a park, with murals under shelters , with the award winners each year , the one below is last year’s winner.

Quite a few old buildings and book shops. Chris is always on the lookout for Wilbur Smith books.

Driving out of Sheffield you get a great view of Mt Roland before getting into the unusual town of Deloraine.

A nice park and with a swinging bridge over the waterway.

I only took one photo in the main street, because it reminded me of a granddaughter,, as for the rest of the town it’s very out there, like Halloween on Steroids, haha . Didn’t impress me much, so no photos, sorry.

Chris found the ultimate book shop, and the owner managed to find some of the ones he wanted. That was back in Ulverstone. We had one more night there before heading out yesterday to Levon Canyon area. Should not have taken the van up into hills. Poor Triton. ,,!

There was no room to park the van up at the canyon car park, so we found a little spot of our own and stayed the night, we had a few showers of rain over night.

This morning we drove out of the hills, making a few stops to look at a waterfall and have a cuppa in a park.

This afternoon we pulled into a lovely camp spot at Midway Point, on the North Coast and I guess its halfway 😀 has great walking tracks and a rail line around the beach front.

The afternoons are great for walking as the winds drop. After dinner tonight we went for a drive into Penguin, hoping to find an ice creamery open . Nuh ! Oh well it was a nice drive, very pretty looking out towards Goat Island and the Three Sisters.

Thats it, so far . …

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