February 8th

Early morning start, and a walk across the Memorial swinging bridge at Inverleigh, then through the park there, which is very overgrown. Lots of shrubs are being covered in cabbage months at the moment. The media has been talking about them, as apparently they are more prolific this year than most.

The next day we made our way through Winchelsea, beautiful red roses are in bloom throughout the town centre at the moment.

From there we found a camp spot in the Otway Forest and stayed for 3 nights. Nice and peaceful with cheeky magpies and kookaburras for Chris to feed. So many others like us ,Stopping here, before heading into Geelong to catch the ferry to Tassy.

Then it was our time to move, travelling the coast road, stopping here and there on our way, love how these trees have survived the struggle to live, against the wind on the headlands.

Point Danger is just that! However on a nice day it’s a lovely area to wander around and take photos

The Geelong showground was a buzz of excitement, pending our 5 am get up the next morning. Do we have breakfast, or travel on an empty stomach? After a long wait in the line, we finally drove on board, one of the last to do so. But hey, thats OK as we will be one of the first to get off !

The Spirit of Tasmania may not be a modern cruise ship, but the passenger areas are comfortable, well lit, and lots of friendly staff . A great selection of food and reasonable priced I thought.

It was a bit overcast as we left Melbourne behind and travelled into the open waters of Bass Strait .

Then the sun came out… why was I concerned, the sea was as calm as !?. We had a nice meal, then sat in lay back chairs and chatted to others to pass the 10 hour trip away

Almost first off, we’re in Tasmania !,

As we were driving off a ferryman said, stay at Turners Beach, so we did, a mown paddock on a Berri farm. Day one off for a look around , the nearest major shopping centre is Ulverstone, about 20 minutes away. We did grocery shopping and took some photos, it’s a hilly but pretty town. Nice parks to visit, but most gardens have finished flowering.

Back to the van ,we still had time for a walk along the beach, the sun didn’t go down till about 8.30. A river also runs into the sea here, maybe that has something to do with all the rocks here. . A big variety of colours and smooth enough that I was able to walk on them.

A nice way to end our first day.

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