Jan 24

Travelling on…Hi again, if you are a follower of our travels, you probably realise we try to avoid staying in caravan parks, not only because of the cost, which ranges between $50-100 a night, at the moment, but also being packed in like sardines, the noise and people in general. That said, we opt for free RV sites on rivers or in bush camps.

As we travelled down the South Coast, we stopped on the edge of lake Illawarra at Warrawong. Just one night gave us time to do some shopping and relax, chatted with another lovely couple, starting their retirement journey, and chill out after driving through the Sydney traffic on a hot day, where we visited Chris’s brothers grave and had lunch with his nephew, at the Ettamogah pub . A warm 38 degrees there.! The Lakes area was very welcoming that afternoon.

The next day was Nowra… Met up with a class mate from my high school days and had lunch at the Worrigee sportsman club with him and his wife. We then called into the cemetery and put flowers on my family’s graves. Tom and Janette invited us to go out to their property at Falls Creek and stay overnight. We had a good catch up of days gone by and Chris really enjoyed Tom’s home brew, which Chris said got better as the night went on. An enjoyable stopover, thanks again Tom and Janette.

The following day we realised that the van fridge wasn’t working properly. So we started making phone calls and found a repair chap at Ulladulla All RV Repais.. So we dropped the van off to him and we did some sightseeing around the area. Went out to Ulladulla headland where I cooled my heels off in the water, taking some photos and watched little fish swim around my feet. My kind of enjoyment.

Lots of baby flathead.

A few more stops before we picked up the van and headed out to my cousin’s place at Lake Tabourie, to stay for the night. The fridge is still not working so need to look into it more tomorrow.

Another day without the van so we spent most of the day parked at Ulladulla Marina, waiting to see if the fridge is going to work after some minor adjustments by the repair guy.

No that didn’t work, thank goodness for the Waco fridge in the back of the Ute. We had to see if the fridge would would work on electricity, so we went into the Milton showground for the night . Not a bad spot.

Back to the Ulladulla fridge guy again yesterday, we left the van and had lunch in the park, I even had a nanny nap on the park bench while Chris read a book. Felt like we were homeless. I had forgotten to get a pic with my cousin John and his wife Valma when we stayed at their place so we went back into Lake Tabourie got a lovely photo and said farewell again. They are an amazing couple ,John is 94 and has a brilliant memory of his Navy days. They both still have full drivers licenses, do shopping once a week and also play cards twice a week. Valma cooked a lovely meal the night we stayed and John proudly said we were eating his home grown vegetables. I am so inspired by their zest in life, love and how to do life in your nineties. So happy that we took the time to visit.

We picked up the van late yesterday afternoon, Its fixed, yay !!! We headed further down the coast, so much water around the lakes area.

We travelled through the Bega Valley area,everywhere is so green, it also started to rain. Thankfully not too heavy when we arrived at Kalaru Park. We have booked in for 3 nights over long weekend.

Happy Australia day everyone. Cheers

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