2024 15th Jan.

Time for another trip around this amazing country. We have been home based since February last year. Although we spent 10 lovely days in the Cook Islands and 3mths at Cootamundra. Did lots of gardening, as well as spending time with family and friends…just how we had planned…so the year went that away..

So 2024 let’s go…

We left home just as it started to rain, and rain it did, all the way to Coffs Harbour .We had planned to have dinner with Peter, but the rain was torrential, so we decided to stay in his office till it stopped, but it didn’t, we were stuck there for over an hour . I’ve never been in such weather, certainly not with the van in tow. Made a dash to the car and got out of there! We travelled as far as Urunga, the rain eased and we pulled off the road in a gravelled area for the night, what a start to our trip!

WE stayed at Gail and Noel’s for 3 nights, before heading south again, a cuppa in a park beside the river, Stopping to sitesee overcrowded coastal towns. Down through Crescent Head and on to Port Macquarie.

We only just made it , the car started making some really bad noises. It’s getting worse! So we limped into Mitsubishi. The service guys there were great . Took a look, fixed the problem and sent us on our way. No charge.! Nothing frightens a triton, but the triton sure frightened me, the thought of cancelling our Tassy trip was running through my mind.

It was time for a break, I rang a school friend from Bomaderry, who lives in Port, she came out and met us at a sports ground . What a lovely catch up, a simple cup of tea on the edge of the road. Doesn’t need to be fancy, when old friends meet the years just melt away. Thanks Jan x.

Back on the road again, we looked for a place to stay overnight. We found a nice area behind the Laurieton boat club. Parked up and settled in for the night

This morning we watched the rowers on the lake and went up to a book sale at the club, Laurieton seems like a nice community minded town in a peaceful setting.

Today (Saturday), we are a bit further down the coast, a couple of stops, before pulling into a parking area at Tomago boat ramp on the river. Thankful for river parks with this hot weather. We head through Sydney tomorrow. More in a couple of days….