January 18th

After a couple of 40° plus days, a storm threatened, but all we got was wind and a not so good sun set. However the change of colours on the lake within a few hours was interesting.

The next morning we packed up, and drove the hour or so into Broken Hill. We have been through here a couple of times but never taken the time to stop and look around.

We drove up to the lookout, where they have constructed a new viewing platform and memorial to those that have lost their lives to the mining industry.  Starting from the 1800s to the last in 2019.

Still being constructed, is no doubt what will be, a modern glass restaurant and visitors centre .Think it will be popular when finished. The views over the city and mining area are good from up here.

It appears they are doing walkways to show the old mining machinery as well.

Next it was back down the hill for a cold strawberry malted milk shake, in a 50s milk bar.

The building is now into it’s 3rd generation, and the home is set up with 50s furnishings, including photos of the original owners and family

You can take your purchases into any of the rooms to sit, and go back in time. This is the first time I have seen the rainbow Venetian blinds, since a child, not even in a museum. These look original.

Loved this place, and the milkshake was just like the ones I used to buy for 1/3p. From there we drove out to the living desert sculptures. Walked around the pathways, some were well done and some were only like a big rock to me. Guess I’m not into modern art, all that much. Would of cost a small fortune, as they brought in nine sculptors from around the world to carve them.

OK, been there, done that. Next we were in Wilcannia, another place we have never stopped in, doesn’t have a good reputation, but with the Darling river in flood, we stopped for a look.

We stood on the old bridge and watched the locals having fun jumping off the bridge, into the flooded river. Others on jet skis and boats.

So much in flood out around these parts, this next little bridge was over a creek, and the water had spread for miles.

For a change of scenery we drove through a storm, before pulling off the road to stop for the night. A lot of nice birds and a lovely sunset to end the day.

A beautiful sunrise the next morning as we drove into Cobar, going to be another hot day.

There is a working gold mine in Cobar, we were able to veiw the mine from a lookout . As well as being an open cut mine there is some sort of underground tunnel. Not sure whats happening in there.

The next stop was in Nyngan, on the Bogan River. We pulled up for a cuppa and this is where Chris found that the Trusty Triton, had sprung an oil leak, not so trusty after all ! Just letting you all know, that it’s not always smooth going as our blog seems. We made phone calls, and changed our plans for the rest of our trip. Wont be going through Sydney now, heading home by next Wednesday as we have booked the TT into Casino, to get the oil seal fixed.

A pic of the painted water tower in Warren then on to Galarambone caravan park for the night, we needed electricity to run the air con and cool off !!. The park has one of the best camp kitchens we had seen. And the owner made us very welcome with a 5 o’clock beer and chat, just what Chris needed.

We had a look around town this morning at all the artwork. Hopefully it will bring more tourist, and get the town on it’s feet again after Covid.

Bit cute this one!

I think they have done a lot since we were here last. The parks and town all clean and brightened up. From there we drove through the Warrumbungle National Park.

Also stopped to a short bush walk to the White Gums lookout , not the best time of year to do it, however I did manage to find a few flowers still out. The view was a bit hazy, due to the heat, but still nice.

When we got back to the car, Chris noticed a bulge in one of the caravan tyres. Oh well, shit does happen!

He Changed the tyre, then we drove on to Coonabarabran, we have organized to have new tyres fitted there in the morning . Had a cuppa and talked to the ducks in a park, before checking into a nice shady caravan park for the night.

Thats it for tonight, lets see what tomorrow brings. XX