December 15th

Well, it’s been awhile, life sure is busy when you’re having fun.

We left Wongan Hills and arrived in Kalannie at the beginning of November and in time to help out friends, Steve, Mary and Chris, with the carting of the great harvest the wheat belt is having this year. The wildflowers around the area are almost finished blooming, but I still managed a few pics along the way. Recent rain has also filled the lakes and dams. The small towns are busy and the farmers are friendly and talking of the big harvest ahead. But they need drivers, so put on your work clothes Chris !!

We parked the van in the Caravan Park, opposite the grain storage facility in town, Power,water and satellite tv, I was all good to sit back and do some crocheting, while Chris does extra long days. Also a good spot to see the eclipse of the moon, and some unusual sunsets.

Oh, we also brought Covid to town, must havè picked it up a few days befoe we arrived. Yes Chris gave it to Steve as they tried to work, Mary, Jodie and I, all ended up with it as well. I’m not sure what long Covid is, but I’m not completely over it after 6 weeks !! It is what it is, so just carry on, but sure knocked me around.

With all the men working, Mary, her daughter Jodie, and I, share cuppas and lovely girl days out in Perth or surrounds. They have two beautiful human dogs, Cody the lab, brings me gifts, each time I visit. They are both such characters.

Rosie poseing with Jodie.

The grain storage bins start off empty, but soon start to fill up as the trucks roll in. They are then covered with plastic.

Roses in Dalwallinu. And nice old pub in Northam

The tin dog in Dowerin

Mary and I had a day in Toodyay. The 365 Christmas shop is a must to visit.

After our fun morning we had a late lunch of butter chicken at the Indian restaurant, it was the best ! Then drove up to the lookout over the cute town nestled in the hills.

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.

Some of the crocheting I’ve done while doing this trip. I’ve gathered remnants of wool from little towns from East to West.

Chris has sundays off so we usually go for a drive. Lots of lakes around and this green one is quite pretty.

It’s nice to be out just wandering around . It will be sad to leave here again, but it will also be good to be heading out ater new year. And…..we both are missing our family as its been 9 mths now. This will probably be our last extended trip. Maybe just 6 mths at a time in the future.

Some of the huge rocks were used to channel the rain into a dam, for the town water supply. We have seen so many of these in our travels.

The dried out flowers and wheat are still a sight to see.

Mary, Jodie and I went to the Dalwallinu Christmas street party, where all the kids had a great time getting wet and running a muck. And Santa brought them all a present. The Christmas spirit is alive and well in these little towns.

Last week, us girls ,went for a day in the field, we dropped lunch to Steve, before heading out to their daughters family farm. Love this photo, Steve has such an infectious smile.

We drove on out to the farm, and watched some of the harvesting and loading before, climbing into the headers for a round or two of the paddock.

We caught up with Gary and I had an interesting time, as he explained everything about the process, then as an added bonus he read me some of his poetry, he has written some great work.

Natasha, was driving the chaser bin and does a great job of keeping up with the headers, taking the grain back to the bins at the end of the paddock.

While Natasha is away the bin behind the cab keeps filling up as the header keeps going. It’s none stop, a race against the weather to get the crop in before the summer storms start.

We met up with Millsey and had a family photo shoot. They are great supporters of Dolly’s Dream a Anti-bullying foundation, using their workshirts, which are a conversation starter.

Natasha and Jodie dropped in so a few more photos. We are so lucky to have met this beautiful family 4 years ago. And be back spending time with them again.

Marry and her Daughter’s

Back in Kalannie the bins are almost full now, as well as a stash of pods filled with barley.

The days now are mostly windy, but the wind drops in the evening, so last night I went for a walk and took some photos of the grain storage across the road, all lit up. The trucks come and go till late. Chris is doing 15 /16 hrs a day, as is everyone around here, 6 days a week. They are all hoping to be finished harvesting by Christmas.

As for Christmas for us, something different this year. We haved booked into a caravan park in York, not far from Perth, for a week. We are dining out for Christmas lunch at ” The Settlers ” one of the popular historic, venues there. Then for New Year’s eve, we hope to attend the fireworks on the Swan river.We did this 4 years ago and it was a spectacular way to bring in a new year. Then we plan to leave Perth on New Year’s Day and be back on the East Coast at the end of January .So thats it for now, we wish all our family, friends and followers a lovely Christmas and happy New Year. Keep well, safe and enjoy each day. Even the challenges. We love this life.😍

Girls responding to Chris’s breakdown. It’s all in a days work. Where would they be without us Mary,? haha 😂