Oct 5th

After leaving our camp at Cosy Corner, we went back into Albany and did shopping and fuelled up. Not sure where to next, so good to be prepared.

We stopped in at Denmark for a bit of lunch, it was cold and wet, so we didn’t stay long.

The football grand final was on that afternoon, so we pulled into a gravel pit, checked that we had TV reception, watched the disappointing game of footy, and ended up staying the night.

There were lots of these parrots making a hell of a racket. How ugly are they? Thankfully they quietend down at night.

The next morning I went for a wander around the paddock and found my first lot of fringed Lilies .Happy about that.!

By the time we got on the road, the weather had cleared and we were able to stop and do some bush walking on the way to the lake we hoped to stop at, only about 20Klms away.

As soon as I saw this clump of flowers I thought of family. So this one is for you all.x

We found a good spot to set up beside Lake Poorrarecup . More flowers and a huge lake to walk around.

This is one of our best stops yet.. Birds, flowers and beautiful sunsets. Not to mention the days here have been about 23deg. I even got sunburnt. And only one other couple here. And its school holidays .

We are now seeing lots of different coloured Kangaroo Poor plants as we do the walks, or Chris finds some when he goes for a bike ride.

The water in the lake is so clear, we were even tempted to go for dip. Nah…

The bush tracks are covered with little flowers, it seems a shame to step on them.

Some of the orchids are hard to see, like this one, when I got up close, I think its called a Rattle Beak. A lady told me, if you shake them they rattle ? No I didn’t.

More bush walking and finding my way back to camp along the waters edge.

On a beautiful day even the ugliest of trees is worth taking a pic of.

So many of the orchids are similar, but not the same.

It’s not unusual to find headstones and graves on some of our trecks, this one is from 1893. Wouldn’t be hard to get lost in here.

What a great day, just wandering around before getting back to the van for the best sunset

The colors over the lake changed every few minutes. These are just a few of the shots I took. Rain was forcast, maybe it will, by the look of the clouds . Tomorrow’s another day.

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