Sep 19th

After almost recovering from our climb up Bluff Knoll, yesterday we ventured into the Porongurup National Park. We have done the Sky walk years ago, but I had chickened out on the stairs that led onto a glass bottom walk back then. But I made up my mind that this time I would actually do the walk out.

The track starts out with a reasonable incline, through the bush. A few stops along the way, before we got to the rocky area at the top.

The Balancing rock is a, must take photo, stop for us and others. Also a chance to rest the legs before the 65mt scramble through the rocks.

After scrambling through the rocks, we got to the base of the stairs. First Chris went up, then it was my turn. Not even the rain was going to stop me from climbing up.

As we walked out around the rock, we were up in the clouds, it was freezing cold and raining. Thankfully they have replaced the glass flooring with the modern fiberglass type they use for beach boardwalks these days. Anyway I got there, and was determined to stay there untill the shower had passed.

Funny how I’m ok with climbing rocks, but when it comes to human made platforms, I’m very wary. As you can see by the photo below, the platform is suspended out from the rock. I would rather have the rock under it.

Finally the rain and clouds moved over, leaving us with a reasonable view. Then it was time to go down the stairs and scramble back, not so elegantly, through the rocks.

At the base of the rock climb there is another walk and viewing platform, which goes through lots of moss covered rocks, as well as flowering bush scrubs

Next it was back down the walk, so much easier than the walk up.

And yes more showers of rain, I couldn’t resist taking our pic, much to Chris’s objection. And it proves, he does keep the umbrella, over his way more!!

What a day, I wonder why I do these things, but then I think why not, we only have one life, so I’m living it each day as I see fit. So for the next few days we will take it easy .

A drive to the beach and a picnic lunch.

On the way home we crossed a river that had rocks in the middle of the water, and there were lilies growing on them. I got Chris to drive over the bridge a second time, slower so I could get a better photo.

More showers of rain this morning, so we stayed put all day. Now a nice quiet afternoon in the park as the sun is going down.