Sep 14th

As most of you have seen on Facebook we climbed Bluff Knoll last Sunday, I have one word to describe the climb, CRUEL .

So here is my pics of our day out. Perfect weather, and the track starts like most bush tracks. Looking back towards the Stirling Ranges was beautiful.

Looking forward to the peak of Bluff Knoll, was breathtaking, literally!

So the idea is to make an excuse to stop for a breather, photos was mine.

and Chris’s, after the first km, we were both feeling it. But still smiling.

This little bird was enjoying a waterfall nearby, and pruning his feathers for the day ahead. We also enjoyed a cool seat on the rocks, and a chat with another climber.

The climb is 3.1 km, to the summit, not straight up, but out around the cliff edges, giving great views . And an excuse to stop for photos.

How much further.. the smile has gone as the steps are getting harder, some were knee high, so I was having to actually climb up or have Chris pull me up them.

Half way, but no seat!!

Then it gets more cruel, dont look down, dont get too close to the edge. Don’t think about turning back as its too far to the car park.

We’re not there yet, the top was still towering above us, Ok more photos needed.

Getting rougher, then we made it, along with a few others, that were more than a few years younger than us. Most had something to eat, as we did, also had a rest and had pics taken as we won’t be doing it agin. !!

The clouds were making their way over as we started to head down, Chris was off.

Half way down and feeling rather pleased with ourselves, so a fun pic, at a not so fun area.

It was quite hot going down the western rockface in the afternoon sun, we were glad when we reached the waterfall and could sit down for awhile.

Ahh ,back in the car park, time for a cuppa and one last pic of Bluff Knoll . It took us 6 and a half hrs return, with photos and lunch included.

On the way back we took the tourist road through the Stirling Ranges, only stopping to take a couple of photos. Well maybe more.

Nothing like a nice hot shower after a big day out. And a beautiful sunset to end the day.