Sep 8th

We went for a day drive out to Yeerakine Rock, not the best of days as it has been rather cool and showery. The gravel roads are lined with daisy’s as well as more wildflowers. So it was worth going for a look.

The rock is an easy climb, and has a metal horse statue in memory of the ANZACs. at the top.

Amazing how these flowers grow amongst the rocks !

So many different shades of orchards, but one thing that was consistant out here was the size of mosquitos, they were huge. Every time we stopped we got covered in them.

Today we left Kondinin about mid morning and headed South again, the plan is to see the Stirling Ranges again. We travelled down through the lakes area, they are all rather full after recent rain . Plenty of black swans on them.

We only stoped a couple of times ,once for a quick walk in a reserve ,then on to see the Silo Art at Pingrup.

Guess this person is a West Coast Eagles supporter.

Tonight we are camped at a pull off area, at the gateway to a canola farm.

The ground is covered with little flowers, and the canola is in full bloom. A nice view for the end of day .

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