Sep 4th

Between Corrigin and Kulin, there is the Tin Horse Highway. It took us a couple of hours to do the drive as once you stop to take one photo you cant help stopping to take more.

They sure have a quirky sense of humour in outback WA . Not sure how many times we stopped or how many photos I took. I have posted a lot, but not all, and some I didn’t think worth taking a photo of.

Most are easy to identify, but others took awhile to sink in. Yes, this one is sitting on a loo.

Looks more like a camel.

How patient was Chris Pulling over every few hundred meters, so i could take the photos. By the end of the trail I had had enough of getting out of the car, so he would pull up close enough for me to take the photo out my window. The things you do when you have nothing better to do,!!

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