Aug 31st

What a lovely park in Wagin for our morning cuppa. We then decided to go have a look through the heritage village.

What a surprise, we ended up spending a couple of hours there as it was so interesting. The townsfolk have got together and collected an amazing amount of old wares and displayed them in a walk through village.

Some of the original buildings have been shifted to the site and restored. Replica buildings of the old town also have been built to display restored furniture as it would have been back then.

old printer

Everything is so well done, old cottages, the old dunny, and I loved the school, with little Jonny standing up the back of the class room.

On the mantle above the fireplace there is even 2 original canes. Most things that have been collected or donated are in very good original condition.

The bank, and the bankers office had this tiger skin on the floor, not sure if it represented the era, or they had nowhere else to put it.??!!

The stone church was lovely, complete with an old organ and pews.

The bootmakers.

The blacksmiths, complete with all the gear including these huge bellows.

The hospital, with the lovely old cane wheelchair.

There has also been a recreation of early settlers huts, stables and a saddlery.

The trading post building is just packed with antiques, something to interest everyone. You could spend hours in here alone.!

The photos I have put up are only a small showing of what’s in this village. there is also a number of sheds, full of old machinery. A real credit to the people of this small town, and a way of keeping their heritage alive.

An old well

From Wagin we went on to Narrigin and camped on the lake, there were 3 other friendly caravaners there as well. A nice spot.

Next morning was rather chilly for us, but not for this fellow, sunning himself on a rock. The lake looked nice with the fog rising of it.

Who’s Doctor Who .. ??

Yesterday we didnt do much other than shopping and a short walk in the bush. We then stayed in the RV park in Pringelly, another small town. Also went for a walk around town, all very quiet, but we love stopping in small towns. People are so friendly. If you ask for directions, they draw a mud map, or come out from behind the counter and walk out into the street,to show where it is, that’s country folk, and that’s it for now ….

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