Sep 30th

Albany was a nice stop for 10 days. So much to see, and so many areas to visit from there.

For our 11th wedding anniversary we went for breakfast at the 3 Anchors restaurant at Middleton beach. My breakfast was delicious, too say the least…

After breakfast we walked around the coastal boardwalk.

We got back to camp in time to feed the birds, and enjoy the evening and lights of Albany across the bay.

The day we moved on, it was overcast, but we stopped in to the wind farm to do the bush walk out to the coast. And, we got wet !

We only moved on about 20klms to Torbay, and camped beside the lake . A pretty little spot, lots of flowers and mosquitoes.

Moving on another 20klms or so we are now at Cosy Corner. We have stayed here a couple of times, and love it.

Our own cosy corner, at Cosy Corner,the quale and wrens feed around the van, seems they are quite used to the campers.

A nice drive is out to West Cape Howe, Shelly beach is beautiful and there is runs off the Cliff that are used by the hang gliders,

No I didn’t run and jump, I left my broom back at the van, haha.

The bush walk around Cosy Corner is worth doing, at the moment there is so many kangaroo paw about to bloom, as well as blue Enamel orchids .

This morning we drove back to Albany to get water and groceries. The painted tanks are at Bunnings. And the ship Amity is in a park down on the waterfront.

The weather has been lovely here, Chris went for a bike ride this afternoon and I sat in the sun and watched the wrens . The male is such a deep blue, just beautiful.

Keep safe and have a nice long weekend folks.

Sep 23rd

Another place we visited in the Albany area was the chainsaw carvings, it wasn’t far from where we are staying . It is a drive around a property, with probably a hundred or so wood carvings in trees . Quite amazing how good the sculptures are. I wasn’t sure which photos to put up. I didn’t take photos of all of them, but I did take a lot . If you get sick of looking at the pics , thats ok. I was sick of taking them by the end.

And a nice crop of orchids, just to break the monotony

Thats it, maybe not spectacular, but worth a donation. There are some talented people out there.

Sep 23rd

A day out and about around the bays and beaches of Albany. We started off with morning tea at the Historic Whaling Station in Frenchman Bay.

Then a walk around the cliff tops, it’s a beautiful beach, and I found a bush orchid, that I haven’t seen before. That was exciting.

These walks are easier going than some we have done. This walk was in the Torrndirrup National Park.

It’s a beautiful natural park,with some different flowers and of coarse more stairs. But worth doing the walk.

We were dissapointed in the light house though, a bit ordinary, eh.

The sea was rolling in under the Natural Bridge. Can you see the little rainbow ? Still following us 💖.

A good turbo action, happening below us, as we walked the plank out over the edge of the rocky cliff.

We were here a few years ago, but places like this never get boring. The power of the sea and the beauty of nature, never fails. Photos don’t do it justice.

From there we drove out to Vancouver Peninsula, stopping at Goode beach for a look, so calm .

Quite a few of these orchids flowering along the track. I think I have already put a pic of them on, from somewhere else.

That was a big day out.

I actually got up at sunrise the next morning. So off for another drive after breakfast. This time we went out to Sharp Point . We did the walk along the cliff track to the lookout. Beautiful views out over the bay, and some flowers along the way.

A lovely evening at the end of the day.

Sep 19th

After almost recovering from our climb up Bluff Knoll, yesterday we ventured into the Porongurup National Park. We have done the Sky walk years ago, but I had chickened out on the stairs that led onto a glass bottom walk back then. But I made up my mind that this time I would actually do the walk out.

The track starts out with a reasonable incline, through the bush. A few stops along the way, before we got to the rocky area at the top.

The Balancing rock is a, must take photo, stop for us and others. Also a chance to rest the legs before the 65mt scramble through the rocks.

After scrambling through the rocks, we got to the base of the stairs. First Chris went up, then it was my turn. Not even the rain was going to stop me from climbing up.

As we walked out around the rock, we were up in the clouds, it was freezing cold and raining. Thankfully they have replaced the glass flooring with the modern fiberglass type they use for beach boardwalks these days. Anyway I got there, and was determined to stay there untill the shower had passed.

Funny how I’m ok with climbing rocks, but when it comes to human made platforms, I’m very wary. As you can see by the photo below, the platform is suspended out from the rock. I would rather have the rock under it.

Finally the rain and clouds moved over, leaving us with a reasonable view. Then it was time to go down the stairs and scramble back, not so elegantly, through the rocks.

At the base of the rock climb there is another walk and viewing platform, which goes through lots of moss covered rocks, as well as flowering bush scrubs

Next it was back down the walk, so much easier than the walk up.

And yes more showers of rain, I couldn’t resist taking our pic, much to Chris’s objection. And it proves, he does keep the umbrella, over his way more!!

What a day, I wonder why I do these things, but then I think why not, we only have one life, so I’m living it each day as I see fit. So for the next few days we will take it easy .

A drive to the beach and a picnic lunch.

On the way home we crossed a river that had rocks in the middle of the water, and there were lilies growing on them. I got Chris to drive over the bridge a second time, slower so I could get a better photo.

More showers of rain this morning, so we stayed put all day. Now a nice quiet afternoon in the park as the sun is going down.

Sep 18th

After our Bluff Knoll adventure it was nice to have a few days R and R. We stayed in Kendenup and had another day trip to Mt Barker. It’s a nice town for a day out.

We wandered through some of the reserves, looking for different flowers over a few days .

We took picnic lunches, and slowly the soreness left us encouraging us to move on again.

Some of the flowers and orchids are so similar, I’m not sure if I have already taken a photo. We are seeing more shrubs out now especially along the sides of the bush tracks

This is a typical bush reserve , its hard to see the orchids till you walk around .

In swamp areas and around old watering holes, I’ve found patches of delicate mosses, that have pretty flowers.

Last Wednesday we left Kondinin and in a round about way headed towards Albany . We stayed in an off road area in Narrikup that night.

Narrikup is a very small bush town ,that has a big cricket sports ground. The fence surrounding the oval is made from cricket bats from other teams that have played there over the years. We though of our cricketer Corey, when we saw it.

Moving on after a few more flower stops, we arrived at the Panorama caravan park at Big Grove, across the bay from Albany, we checked in for 2 days, we are now going to extend our stay for another week.

It’s a big park ,with lots of permanents, but we were given a great spot on the waterfront, away from the main area.

We are able to sit out and watch the birds, so peaceful, it’s just like a holiday.

This one below looks like a mix between a gull and a duck, quacks like a duck too, but is much bigger.

This is our night view across the bay to Albany.

Guess you can see why we have extended our stay here. We are so fortunate to be able to travel in our later years, enjoying and seeing this country we love .

Sep 14th

As most of you have seen on Facebook we climbed Bluff Knoll last Sunday, I have one word to describe the climb, CRUEL .

So here is my pics of our day out. Perfect weather, and the track starts like most bush tracks. Looking back towards the Stirling Ranges was beautiful.

Looking forward to the peak of Bluff Knoll, was breathtaking, literally!

So the idea is to make an excuse to stop for a breather, photos was mine.

and Chris’s, after the first km, we were both feeling it. But still smiling.

This little bird was enjoying a waterfall nearby, and pruning his feathers for the day ahead. We also enjoyed a cool seat on the rocks, and a chat with another climber.

The climb is 3.1 km, to the summit, not straight up, but out around the cliff edges, giving great views . And an excuse to stop for photos.

How much further.. the smile has gone as the steps are getting harder, some were knee high, so I was having to actually climb up or have Chris pull me up them.

Half way, but no seat!!

Then it gets more cruel, dont look down, dont get too close to the edge. Don’t think about turning back as its too far to the car park.

We’re not there yet, the top was still towering above us, Ok more photos needed.

Getting rougher, then we made it, along with a few others, that were more than a few years younger than us. Most had something to eat, as we did, also had a rest and had pics taken as we won’t be doing it agin. !!

The clouds were making their way over as we started to head down, Chris was off.

Half way down and feeling rather pleased with ourselves, so a fun pic, at a not so fun area.

It was quite hot going down the western rockface in the afternoon sun, we were glad when we reached the waterfall and could sit down for awhile.

Ahh ,back in the car park, time for a cuppa and one last pic of Bluff Knoll . It took us 6 and a half hrs return, with photos and lunch included.

On the way back we took the tourist road through the Stirling Ranges, only stopping to take a couple of photos. Well maybe more.

Nothing like a nice hot shower after a big day out. And a beautiful sunset to end the day.

Sep 12th

After a overnight stop in Nyabing, we took our time driving further south to Tenterden

We stopped at some of the reserves on the way,. looking for different wildflowers really is obsessive. They say orchids only have 5 petals. The one below still looks like an orchid to me.

I can’t dismiss the freesias, so many out at the moment. And lots of different colours.

From this spot we have been able to do day trips, so will stay for 5 nights . Last Saturday we went to the local markets, then to Mt Barker, which is only 20 mins away. There we did the nature walk up around the lookout. It was beautiful and of coarse more different flowers, and quite a few murels in town.

looking across at the Stirling Ranges, where our next few day trips are planned. But thats another story. So just a bit more from Mt Barker and flowers to finish this post.

hopefully I am not doubling up with all these pics . Let me know if I am.

Thats it for now with these beautiful orchids about to bloom.

Sep 8th

We went for a day drive out to Yeerakine Rock, not the best of days as it has been rather cool and showery. The gravel roads are lined with daisy’s as well as more wildflowers. So it was worth going for a look.

The rock is an easy climb, and has a metal horse statue in memory of the ANZACs. at the top.

Amazing how these flowers grow amongst the rocks !

So many different shades of orchards, but one thing that was consistant out here was the size of mosquitos, they were huge. Every time we stopped we got covered in them.

Today we left Kondinin about mid morning and headed South again, the plan is to see the Stirling Ranges again. We travelled down through the lakes area, they are all rather full after recent rain . Plenty of black swans on them.

We only stoped a couple of times ,once for a quick walk in a reserve ,then on to see the Silo Art at Pingrup.

Guess this person is a West Coast Eagles supporter.

Tonight we are camped at a pull off area, at the gateway to a canola farm.

The ground is covered with little flowers, and the canola is in full bloom. A nice view for the end of day .

Sep 5th

We are staying in the caravan park at Kondinin for a week, so on Fathers Day we went for a bush picnic and a look at Buckley’s Breakaway. It is a big rock formation, not far from the well known Wave Rock at Hyden which we have been to a few years ago. Actually I think this area is more interesting.

After walking all around the rocky area, it was time to look for some different wildflowers. We are finding different areas depending they be rocky, sandy or damp bush mulch, have different flowers growing.

Fathers Day lunch was a pie and cuppa under a bush shelter, lots of mosquitos joined in, so we didn’t hang around long. We went for a walk around another rock area after lunch and found more flowers.

These rocky areas are surrounded by brickwork and used as a catchment for water and piped down to the surrounding towns .

Back at the park again. Its quite a pleasent park, in the centre of town, there is a roadhouse opposite and community sports fields with club behind the park . there is also an IGA store.

Sep 4th

Between Corrigin and Kulin, there is the Tin Horse Highway. It took us a couple of hours to do the drive as once you stop to take one photo you cant help stopping to take more.

They sure have a quirky sense of humour in outback WA . Not sure how many times we stopped or how many photos I took. I have posted a lot, but not all, and some I didn’t think worth taking a photo of.

Most are easy to identify, but others took awhile to sink in. Yes, this one is sitting on a loo.

Looks more like a camel.

How patient was Chris Pulling over every few hundred meters, so i could take the photos. By the end of the trail I had had enough of getting out of the car, so he would pull up close enough for me to take the photo out my window. The things you do when you have nothing better to do,!!