Aug 27th

After spending two days in the park at Fitzgerald, we have moved up North a bit to a RV park at Dumbleyung . We only stopped once to get fuel at Jerramungup. A bit cold today, with some lite showers of rain this afternoon.

If you like bush flowers then scroll on and I will show what I found around the last bush camp. Lachenalias growing wild, reminded me of my childhood home. Mum had them growing on both sides of the front path to the house.

And freesias, one of my favourite scented flower.

And wattle trees in bloom, my sinuses’ haven’t let me forget that we were camped in a park surrounded by them. AhhhChooo.

These little orchards are commonly called Donkey Orchids. They seem to be the first orchards to flower each spring, and the easiest to find.

Some Daisys and other flowers, that I don’t know the names of, also put on a good display.

While wandering around I try not to tread on anything that’s flowering, even the ground covers , they are so delicate. And some things not so delicate, but well camouflaged.

All the gum trees are out in flower as well, so many different colours and shaped gum nuts.

The WA orchid, is harder to find as it is a bit early yet down south, and the flowers are green before they open, this one I found must have been in a warm spot, compared to the others.

The one below, is the only one I found of this type, a Caladenia orchard. It was growing out from under a fallen tree.

A couple of not so good pics, of the canola in the paddocks as we drove today. Bring on tomorrow…