Aug 25th

Today we left Hopetoun and travelled through the Fitzgerald National Park. All I can say is, if you have the chance to go there in spring ,do it. We were probably a little early, but there was still plenty of wildflowers out. Absolutely butiful.

At the top of the range we stopped and did the short bush walk, and looked back over the Hopetoun area.

We walked bush tracks as well as some beaches. This is by far the most beautiful area we have been to this trip.

I hate snakes !! But even this little horror didn’t spoil my day, although I did give him a wide berth. Yuk !

It is only about 80 km, through the park, but it took us all day, so much to see, as we stop along the way. Bush and sea cliffs, beaches and even caves in the rocks. Oh and have I mentioned bush flowers, yes lots of bush flowers.!

Even after we had stopped at all the recommended places, we found we were still pulling up on the side of the road, as we saw a different coloured flower in the bush. It’s not just me, Chris points things out and stops.

At the end of the National Park we started to see the farms with the canola in flower. What a beautiful day, time to find somewhere to camp.

We found a large bush area that was once the Fitzgerald school site. More from around here tomorrow. The sun is setting on what was my kind of a good day .

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