Aug 17th

Well the end of the Nullarbor..the next stop was Norseman, on our previous trips we hadn’t taken time to look around, so this trip we did.

There are quite a few nice murals and a horse monument for a horse that dug up a gold nugget while tied up to a tree.

Being a mining town, you have to be prepared to sit and wait as trains with over a hundred or more bins rattle by. We drove up to the lookout, which has a good view over the mine. We also did a short bush walk around the hill top, viewing more of the area.

Later that day we took the heritage trail south from Norseman , stopping at all the points of interest . Mostly old mining shafts and machinery.

Some old bush graves, and a cement cricket pitch from the 1890s

Also a tunnel. Probable not very interesting to some, but we love wandering around the bush and finding whats still around after 200 years.

The heritage trail finishes at the small town of Dundas, so we went out to the lake to camp for the night. We settled into a nice spot overlooking the lake, then went for walk, such a beautiful, quite warm evening.

As the sun was setting I went back down onto the lake to take some photos . I did notice that some clouds were starting to appear in the west, and rather quickly.

As I was walking up the cliff towards the van , Chris met me with the news that heavy rain was expected overnight. Best we get back to the main road as the few kms to the lake were boggy on the way out. No argument from me, didn’t fancy being stuck out there.! We packed up and came back out to where the road was ok, and camped beside another lake. It rained all night.!

Next morning the sun came up over the lake, still some rain clouds , but out rainbow was there too.

One of my favourite sights is seeing the paddocks of canola in flower.

We had breakfast, and was almost back on the main road to find the road had been closed . Ok ,back back, find a track and get out of there and on our way again.

Later that day we arrived in Esperance, we booked into a caravan park for a few days . Needed to get car serviced. Think we will stay till after the weekend, so Chris can watch Carlton play footy. Not much internet and phone service is intermittent. Oh well ,thems the breaks.

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