Aug 14th

Another cold night on the Great Australian Bight, and we woke to a foggy morning over the ocean.

We were on the road early, only stopping at one more viewpoint before Ceduna, A nice white sandy stretch of beach.

Then on to Ceduna, where we drove out to the coast and parked, before trekking through the sand hills to see the remains of the old wharf.

Somehow we ended up about 500 mtrs, further down the beach, and so had to walk along the water edge dodging the waves, as it was high tide, till we got to the wharf remains. Then photos.

Still no rain, but those clouds are still hanging around.

On the way back through the sand hills we stopped for a look around the old Telegraph Station ruins, they are slowly getting covered with sand as the years go by.

And we still have a rainbow guiding us. Sometimes you just have to believe in the heavenly signs.

Crossing the Nullarbor, there is a whole lot of nothing, but we love it, and take time to have some fun, and can always find a quiet spot to have a fire and camp the night.

The next morning the clouds had past, and we were back to a sunny day to do some rock hole walks around Fraser Range.

The water holes can be quite deep and provide water for the bush animals during the dry times. The countryside is starting to get that WA feeling about it now. And the bush is springing to life.

There is a number of landing strips, on the straight roads as you cross, and as for the Eyre Highway, it’s great, not like the ones we have over east.!!

One last stop before Norseman, was at Jimberlana Hill. Chris went for climb, I thought about it, and we had a lovely chat around a fire, with other caravaners that night.

Chris’s view, from top of hill.

The next day was too good to be travelling, or maybe we just didn’t want to do civilization yet, so we stayed put for another day /night.