Aug 12th

Penong was our next place to stop and view an assortment of windmills. A beautiful day and no wind, oh well you can’t have it both ways.

That night we found a bush camp, just east of Yalata. Rather cold down the Aussie Bight area, so the best place to watch the sunset was from bed. Its a hard life.

Then we started across the Nullarbor. A quick photo then we turned off the highway and out to the Head of the Bight. It was bloody freezing down on the boardwalk , but the whale watching was spectacular.

There had to be at least 50 mums and their young, just off the cliff edge, lolling around. We were told at the centre, that it is the nursery, and they hang around there till the young are old enough, to move on. There have been two white ones born this season and we were fortunate to see them both. One put on such a display, diving under the mum and trying to roll her. Amazing , you could hear the two of them bellowing as well , or maybe the mum telling it off. The display went on for about half an hour. Just a few of the photos I took…

ugly baby eh🤣 mum must of heard me as she turned and headed straight toward me.

oh, I forgot there was a reasonable view back to the east as well . We travelled further along the Bight, then turned onto a track to go out to the Bunda Cliffs to camp, stopping along the way at Wigunda cave.

The track in was very ordinary, and the weather was starting to close in. So we found a sheltered spot in the sand hills, and hoped for the best.

The cliff edges are very unforgiving if you venture too close. A lot of the areas that you could go out to and camp, are now closed off.

The sun going down wasn’t all that good, but then it was brilliant as the glow shone on the clouds passing over us, and still no rain.!

Next morning we woke to a sunny day. The cold front had past, so we went for an early walk and some photos.

Some of the shrubs in the sand dunes are starting to flower. Just love how they survive in the harsh conditions.

On the road again, and then into another viewing spot further along the Bight.

A few more stops, before we decided to camp off the coast that night, so pulled into a bush camp to shelter from the wind. A cloudy sunset to the West, and a full moon rising in the East. The end to another good day of travel.