Aug 6th

Still enjoying the Gawler Ranges, we did another day drive from Wudinna, first stop was Brazil rocks. As we climbed around, we must of been in the vicinity of an Egle nest. A pair of Egles kept hovering around, and swooping as if to scare us away. Very hard to get a good photo, but we both had fun trying.

Next was the very popular tourist stop at Pildappa rock. We climbed up and walked the legth of it as well as walking around the base of it. Great views and different colours of the rock, depending on which way they face. Its also has some nice camp spots, around the base.

A short drive away was Tcharkuldu rock, so another climb and more photos .

Thankfully , it was easier climbing, as Im starting to feel the effects of all our rock hopping of the last few days.

I recon this one below would look good in Jake and Kates front yard.

As for this little fellow, he was not happy at having his afternoon siesta being disturbed, he was a cranky little sh..

So that was our look around the Gawler Rangers. Glad we took the time. The next morning we left Wadinna after taking a snap of the granite statue, a tribute to the farmers.

As we headed for Ceduna, the predicted strong wind was getting annoying, so we had a quick cuppa in a park, then pulled into a roadside clearing and stopped for the day/night.

We have been so fortunate to have dodged the bad weather SA is getting. We were quite happy to sit it out, especially when the evening was as beautiful as this.

With some extra time, I have taken a few photos of our travel map, I record a trip map on Wiki camps. Not sure how many kilometres we’ve done, but we have sure covered a lot of ground. And enjoyed seeing places we hadn’t been before.

The next day we went down to Smoky Bay. Still a lot of building going on there. Tried to buy some oysters, but there wasn’t any, due to the boats not going out in the wind the previous day.

We booked into a caravan park in Ceduna early and filled in the rest of the day driving around, there’s more houses, more people, but not much else changed, since our last trip.

The following day we went for a drive around to Denial Bay. Still cold and windy around the beach areas.

From there we drove out to the old Mackenzie farm. We were able to walk all around the remains of the shearing sheds and stone wells.

Amazing all the fencing had been done with small poles and wired together.

I was taken by the sad remains of a windmill that had been left to fall face down on one of the rock wells. I like windmills…. wish I could take it home….

As you walk onto the farm there is a plaque that the family has put in memory of Mac. Macs slogan, if you can read it, it could also be applied to many toils in life.

Today we prepared for our Nullabor trip, I cooked some meals for the week ahead, while Chris did the washing. We went for a drive to fuel up and seen some windy mobiles on a fence. Bit of a laugh as its been an almost perfect day, mild, sunny and no wind. Took one last photo down on the waterfront. Filled the car up at $1.99, on the Nullabor it is up to $3.00. We will leave Ceduna in the morning and head for WA .