Aug 2nd

For a moment I thought we had landed on the Moon. Normally I would say, yeah/nah to going to look at a geological site, but it was quite impressive with all the different rock formations and colours in the early morning light.

We are staying at Wadinna, and had taken the day to venture up into the Gawler Ranges for the day. Love getting out in the never, never and seeing what nature has to offer.

The roads in the ranges are all gravel, some good, some 4 wheel drive only, and some so corrugated, that we were down to just walking pace. Lots of emus and roos, and I also saw a wombat, head for cover as we drove past.

Our next stop was up in the ranges, we walked up to the Kolay Mirica Falls. A big walk of over 2hrs and some great scenery.

Before getting to the top it was like walking through natures garden, I was in photographers heaven

It was a beautiful day, walking up the rocks, although steep, they were mostly dry, so not slippery.

Getting through one area was a bit out of my comfort zone, as the ledge was narrow, with a decent drop below.

We climbed and rock hopped toward the top of the cliff. Almost to the top, I felt I had done enough, it was getting rough going and much dryer. Chris said, don’t stop now your almost to the top, so a couple of photos and breathers, I made it to the top.

The top of the cliff was covered in smaller rocks and some bush, which we had to pick our way through. As for the view, it was nothing spectacular.

As like most climbs, when you get to the top there is a monument of some sort, here was no different. Like I’ve done in other places around the country, I found a heart shaped rock and placed it on the stack in memory of Jodie, who inspires me to do these things and live life large.

Going down was easier than going up.

Even the narrow cliff edge wasn’t so challenging.

One last pic of natures garden, before going to a lookout not far away and having a well earned lunch. No cafe out here, bring your own pie and sauce. The bush flowers were better than the view.

Next was a short bush walk to Smooth Falls. No running water, but some very unusual rock formations. Amazing that they are still all just hanging out and haven’t fallen down over the years

One more stop before we call it a day. A popular site is the Organ Pipes. Not a long walk, it starts out as a bush walk through rather thick scrub, then a reasonable climb up through the rocks, till you reach the base of the wonderful formation of rock walls, looking just like organ pipes.

Chris also stops for a breather, while I take photos.

Before making our way back down, we took a selfie and commented on how fortunate we are to be doing this. On the way back I got this peaceful photo of a mum and her young one, having a pick on the side of the road. I think it sums up my thoughts, peaceful, natural beauty, is all around us, you just have to look for it.

Cute eh !

Thats it for now.