July 3rd

After 4 very full days on Kangaroo Island, we took our time the first day back on the mainland . First stopping at Rapid Bay to cook a breakfast of bacon and eggs. Had a walk out on the jetty and looked back at an old quarry site.

Then a stop at a lookout to view back over Lady bay, before going on to see the Myponga reservoir, which doesn’t seem very big.

From there we called in to look around the Nan Hai Pu Tuo Temple . It is still being built, and is situated on the side of a hill overlooking the ocean. Prime land no doubt.

We were welcomed in and told we could take photos around the grounds, but not in the Temple itself. I don’t know anything about the religion, but the temple was very impressive inside.

Wanting to get off the coast for the night we headed up into the hills and stayed at Pink Gums camp in the National Park, near Blewitt Springs. We were booked into a lovely quiet bush camp . Our only neighbour for the night was a sleeping Koala.

Too cute eh!

The next morning we headed out through the Adelaide traffic, and called into North Haven Marina to see how the other half live. So many yachts, and luxury homes built out over the water. Give me a bush camp any day.!

Ok now back to the real world, of small towns and their silo art, to encourage the tourists, had the best coconut and lemon slice as well as hot drinks, from the caffe in Owen, that had these silos in the town.

Further on was this nice old church at Goyder.

Then we went looking at some of the Pink Lakes, one of the larger ones has a lock ness monster, or two in it, as a further attraction.

Then a stop at another small town, Snowtown, to view the art, on a water tower.

Following Wiki Camps, as I do, as we trip around, I found another Pink Lake, just over there I told Chris, But we cant drive on that, the sign says dry weather road only,! and yes it has been a bit wet some days.

Oh well the trusty Triton got us almost there. then I had to get through a wire fence and walk across a golf coarse. You cant do that!, watch me.!!

Now isn’t that a nice pink lake and worth the effort. lets not get stuck getting out of here,

We are going down South for the next week, so called into Bute. How Beautiful is their water tower.

The detail that the Artist has put into it is amazing. Rings on the girls fingers, a pencil behind her ear, and so much more. We stopped there looking at it for quite some time. We both feel that it is the best we have seen, and we have seen so many around the Country.

On our way down the York Peninsula, we stopped for lunch at Ardrossan, and decided that’s it for today. So just down the road we pulled into a bush camp in the sandhills. So a bit sheltered from the chilly sea breeze.

June 29/30th

Our 3rd and 4th day on Kangaroo Island. First up we decided to go down to the far end of the Island from where we are staying, into Flinders Chase National Park. We were greeted by these friendly Barron Geese.

First stop was Cape Du Couedic Light House. and some views around the Cape.

From there we went down, and down to the Admirals Arch.

The further we went down over the cliff, the colder and windier it got. Lots of fur seals were lazing around on the rocks.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs, the wind was gale force through the arch and it had started to rain. Coming straight off the Antarctic, coldest I have ever felt.!!

Just awesome to be able to see this, regardless of the cold.

The boardwalks into these areas are so well done, and make you feel quite safe.

A truly unique National park.

I followed this Roo around, trying to get a photo, and when I did I was amused at how he appears to be picking up a rock. Maybe he had thoughts of throwing it at me .

From there we drove around to Weirs Cove for a look. Back in the early days supplies were brought in by ship to the cove and hauled up the cliff by a flying fox. Goods were then stored in a building, which has now been partially restored.

I hope you like rock photos, because I had a great time taking lots of them at our next stop Kirkpatrick Point. They are called the Remarkable Rocks, carved by nature. Truly Remarkable eh?!!

OK, that’s enough, We walked the track back out of there, and left the park.

This little fellow was catching the last of the sun. He was so quiet I could walk right up to him.

No, Chris don’t do it !!

We called into Hanson Bay, and Vivonne Bay, on our way back to the accommodation, there are so many little caves around the cliffs on the Island.

It has been none stop 3 days, so our last day was a bit slower. Kangaroo Island is far bigger than we expected, and so much to see, we probably should have booked a week. On the last day we are still chasing rainbows as we go down to Seal Bay.

More boardwalks and still following that rainbow, we have been lucky with the weather, yes its cold, and a few showers, but not enough to stop us getting around.

Another beautiful Bay, where you can walk down the boardwalk and see the Seals resting in the sand dunes.

Skeleton of a hump back whale

Amazing how high some of the seals climb.

They are hard to see at first, but when you know what your looking for, and zoom in, its great fun watching them, loved watching this family.

My favourite, watching this one come to shore. As we travelled back up the coast and following that rainbow, we stopped in at Wheaton’s Beach.

Sea Dragon rock area.

How beautifully kept is the Willoughby Lighthouse grounds.

Antechamber Bay has a great camping area with this suspension bridge across the Chapman River

Now to the end of our day, and time on the Island a quick stop and pic of the trusty Triton as we came through the hills towards Penneshaw , where we had a walk in the park, before going down to board the ferry.

After a great few days we were ferried back to the mainland as the sun was going down.

So that’s it from.Kangaroo Island.