July 31st

Two steps forward and one step back. From Kimba we went out to Lake Gillies for a look and stayed for 2 days.

The first day, the weather was beautiful, we went for a couple of walks . The bush is starting to come into flower, I just love taking photos of the outback bush.

We were quite surprised how large the lake was.

Our camp site had a lovely view of the lake, and not a bad sunset on our first evening.

The next day was cold and windy, so what did we do ? We had breakfast and went back to bed for the day. As we are free camping we have no heating, no phone and no TV, so we listened to the football on the radio, and read, while I did some crochet. A lovely restful day.

After our lazy day yesterday, we decided it was time to move on. Our next stop, further west and another small town, a football ground in Wadinna. We did some washing then went for a drive out around the rock areas.

And climbed…. These rocks were used to collect water back in the day. The run off was channeled into big holding tanks, then piped to supply the nearby settlement.

Chris walked to the top of Mt. Wadinna, where I was happy with going half way and taking photos.

The countryside around here is looking good, there has been some rain, and the hills are green, and wildflowers starting to bloom.

After Mt. Wadinna was Pygery rocks and reservoir, and we are still following that rainbow.

It seems such a waste that constructions like this are just going to ruin, this reservoir is still collecting water. Tomorrow we are heading up into the Gawler Ranges, if its not raining. Till then ….

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