July 26th

Next on the to do list was the underground Mine tour in Blinman. We found it interesting and well presented.

Old mining equipment was on display in the tunnels, and a sound track played the effects of being in the mine working, at one stage all the lighting was turned off, to give us the feeling of how it was back in the day. Pitch black and scary. !!

This shaft was 18mtrs deep, I think, and no we didn’t go down it..

Back in the 1800s the men worked by candle lights.

In the rocks you can see the veins of copper and other interesting formations.

Daylight at the end of one tunnel

After the underground tour, we did the walk around the top of the mine, before having lunch at the pub.

After lunch we drove out to Glass Gorge. Not sure why its called that, and its not the best there is to see.

From there Chris and I ventured on by ourselves to the Nuccaleena mine ruins on the west side of the range. The road was a mixture of not bad gravel to not good creek beds.

As for the mine ruins, they were some of the best preserved ruins we have found. the chimney stacks, still standing tall.

By the time we had finished wandering around and me taking lots of photos, it was getting late in the day. I wouldn’t fancy being out here after dark so it was time to head back through the hills to our Blinman camp.

On the road fuel stop, .. wonder how the electric cars will cope out here in the future.

So many emus and roos on the edge of the road driving back, very hard to see them in the late afternoon sun,

It was almost dark when we got back to the van, and the next day we planned to head back towards Port Augusta . We enjoyed our time in the Flinders Ranges, and can now tick it off the bucket list.

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