July 24th

A day in Wilpena Pound. We started out reasonably early, just getting a day pass to do the drive through the gorges.

We even had our own tour guide, at one stage, giving us some tips, at one of the stops. We followed him and his group of tourists through the hills for awhile.

The roads are gravel and narrow, but ok.

So remote out here, but love the changing scenery as you travel through dry creek beds and the gum trees are beautiful.

After a couple of hours driving we arrived at Brachina Gorge, wandering around we spotted rock wallabies up on the ridges. So fascinating to watch them duck in and out of their little cave shelters in the rocks.

So hard to see them at first as they are very well camouflaged.

This fellow had such a beautiful long tail.

Watching one with my camera, it came out and leapt over the edge and down onto the next ledge and started eating a bush.

The photos aren’t the clearest, but it was good to see them in their natural habitat.

Driving on to see more in Wilpena Pound, the landscape changed around where the original station had been built. Seemed greener, and prettier.

The old Aroona hut is still standing, and not a bad view from the bedroom window.

We stopped at Stokes lookout, on the way home, it was starting to get quite cold, but the view was nice. Clouds were also getting heavier.

Back at Rawnsley Station we went up the hill to watch the sun set on another good day out.

So many changing colours over a matter of half an hour.

Back at the van the view through my dirty bedroom window, wasn’t too bad either.

The next morning we were on the road by 9, and heading further North to Blinman. We are booked in to stay at the caravan park behind the Pub for 2 nights.

Only 26 people live in the community of Blinman. They are self sufficient, no council and don’t pay rates. The main street has a pub, a cafe and visitor centre. Being an old mining town, the mine tours bring in the tourists, which helps to support most of the community.

As we had done lots of walking the day before, we decided on a drive to Parinchilna Gorge.

On the way out of town we called in to the Wadna craft shop, as well as Angorichina store and caravan park. From there on the road became rougher, as we passed through the valleys and rocky cuttings.

As we drove through this creek bed, there were a mob of goats playing on. a rock , climbing up on it and bunting each other off.

A bit rough going through this area. just as well they haven’t had rain lately

We turned around at the Gorge, and headed back to camp, only stopping for a couple of pics off the ochre rocks .

A nice drive for the day, finished of with a pub dinner that night.