July 23rd

Well I’m a week behind with the blog now. We left Port Augusta and called into the ruins at Kanyaka, on our way into the Flinders Rangers.

There was a lot to see and we set off on foot, from the car park . Its amazing how much work went into building these homesteads, and Stations back in the early 1800s

We had passed a sign saying Death Rock and waterhole, but didn’t stop. when we drove into the ruins, there was a another sign. So we walked ,and walked, till we found a rather insignificant rock, and some sheep around a nearly dry waterhole.

Ok, the long walk back to the cars, more ruins, and over the creek, that was dry, there was an old cemetery.

It seems like the boys were plotting our next move. !

Next stop was a lookout not far from Hawker, to view the southern end of the Flinders

Then it was into Rawnsley Park Station to stay for a couple of nights. We found a nice spot for the two vans, then went up to sit on a hill in the freezing cold to watch the sun set.

The next morning we were up for a hike into the hills to find some aboriginal art on some rocks.

All was going well, nice scenery and the higher we got the better the views, and harder the climb.

Then splat, as if in slow motion, one foot after the other, down I went, face first. My hands saved my phone and nose. It took me a few minutes to get to my feet again. So much pain where a rock had stabbed my left hand.

Off again , we finally made it to the rock art.

Then for the downhill, and the views were great, on such a nice sunny day. And not so hard going.

Back in camp, the sun was setting on the hills around . So some more pics from the lookout on the station.

More on our stay in the rangers tomorrow night hopefully