July 16th

How beautiful was our beach camp at Tickera.? We arrived mid afternoon, with time to walk along the beach and collect some wood for a fire. We had the place to ourselves, and it was so peaceful, no wind and not too cold.

Even the view at the back of the van was ok. Most beaches around the Gulf have a lot of seaweed on them, this one isn’t as bad as some

That night Chris lit a fire and cooked a BBQ dinner as the sun went down.

The view from our table that night was spectacular.

The next morning the tide had gone out, I mean right out!! Leaving sand flats exposed. Still not a bad view.

Chris decided to go for a long walk, so I thought I’d make a fire pit and cook some scones and a cheese damper. What a disaster, !! I don’t have a camp oven, so a few layers of alfoil was the go. Apparently the coals and rocks were too hot. Bugger… Chris arrived back from his walk, hungry, his only comment was, they taste ok, just have to cut the burnt off. Yeah right!!

I think I’ll stick to photography. The tide slowly came in during the day, and by evening it was looking like another good sunset, with not a cloud in sight.

For the next hour we just marveled at the changing colours and formations as the sun went down. hope you like some of the many photos I took.

The stairway to Heaven was spectacular.

Even after the sun had disappeared ,we were still outside taking photos

The next day we left our little bit of paradise and headed across the farmlands, You never know what you will come across on these back roads. Mostly beautiful scenery, and then there’s a farmer with a quirky sense of humour.

We stopped for lunch at an old school site, lots of bits and pieces to look at, but very neglected

We needed to get water and do some washing, also go to a chemist and maybe a bakery, haha. So we booked into the caravan park at Crystal Brook for 2 nights. A small tidy park in a small town .

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