July 15th

What a lovely town is Moonta SA. An early morning walk around town, so many old homes are being done up whilst keeping their old world charm. One of the tidiest towns we have stayed in.

We are really slowing down now and taking our time to leave each town. The weather is also being kind to us, cold nights but beautiful days, just the occasional shower in the evening. After Moonta we went inland to Kadina, seems to be the main hub around the Wallaroo area. Did a good shop at Woolworths, and had a look around the main streets that have some nice street art.

Love this peacock mural that is on the wall of a Jewelers.

Lots more heritage buildings and a town clock.

With the fridge full again we went out to Walleroo on the coast, from there we were able to have a walk around the portside town. Meanwhile we got wet before getting back to the van . We were parked up for the night in a RV park just near the grain silos. they don’t have painted art on them, but have a light show projected on them after dark.

Amusing what some people have in their front yard. Still us grey nomads stop and take a photo !

The heritage walk is well done and the wall around the park has artwork that depicts living in Wallaroo from the 1800s to the present day. It was finished during Covid 19, The empty Wharf section is in memory of both the 1917 Spanish Flu and Covid 19 .

The next morning we travelled further up the coast road, stopping briefly at a couple of view points.

A few more klms up the coast we took a rather rough gravel road out to Tickera Beach, which is well up in the Spencer Gulf. A beautiful warm afternoon and finding this protected camp spot on the beach ,we set up and enjoyed our find.

Water views and I even have a nice front garden. This will do us for a few days.

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