July 11th

The York Peninsular has many gravel roads, and most of them lead to somewhere special. This long straight, goes out to the west coast, a rugged area called White Hut.

A bit further up the coast we called into Point Anne, which has a nice beach.

The coast from Point Anne to Corney Point has some nice viewing areas.

Corney Point Lighthouse and surrounding beaches, I nearly stepped on this little stumpy tail lizard when we were wandering around.

A point of interest was to find the caves at Magazine Bay. Chris went clambering over the rocks thinking the cave was at the far end of the beach, I gave that one a miss, and just went down onto the little bay.

Its a lovely little Bay and I could just imagine sitting there in the peace and isolation, reading a magazine . As I was about to go up the stairs, I looked up and could see another cave above. So that was the one that was advertised. Chris checked it out first, then I followed. and what a great spot for some photos .

Had to be my favourite stop for the day. Would be lovely to do sunset photos from there.

Point Turton, wasn’t far away, so we had a quick walk around the Jetty, before driving back through the lakes towards Yorktown. Stopped to take a couple of pics of an old station ruins, It isn’t open to the public, so before long we were back at camp after another long day.

On Sunday last we met up with friends that are also travelling the area, and drove out to the East coast to have fish and chips for lunch at Edithburgh, and go to the markets there.

A walk around the shops then a drive back to camp through the salt lakes, made for a nice day out, albeit as cold as it was.

We have had a good rest the last couple of days, so today we left Yorktown and headed up through Minlaton, seeing a few quaint things on the way’

The old school at Koolywurtie, and a walk around the old township of Wauraltee, So many of the towns from the 1800s, still have the buildings standing, and we love looking around them.

From there we went back out to the coast, and a stop at Point Victoria. Then on to Moonta Bay. A nice little beach for a few photos, before the rain comes in.

We drove out to the old Moonta Mine site. where the church is still in reasonable condition. Had a wander around the area, seeing some of the mine shafts.

There seems to be more to see around the shopping area as well, so we have decided to stay the night at a RV park in town ,

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